Influence of Surface Functionalization on Properties of Carbon Microspheres Reinforced Magnesium Composites
JIN Lin1,2, YANG Yongzhen2, FAN Jianfeng2, XU Bingshe2
1 College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering, Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan 030024, China 2 Key Laboratory of Interface Science and Engineering in Advanced Materials Ministry of Education, Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan 030024, China
Abstract: The enhanced mechanical properties are influenced by interfacial bonds between carbon nano-material reinforcement and magnesium matrix immediately. Surface functionalization of reinforcement by chemical modification could improve the interface bonds effectively. For research the role of surface functionalization in improving properties of composites deeply, the carbon microspheres (CMSs) which prepared by chemical vapor deposition method (CVD-CMSs) and prepared by hydrothermal method (HT-CMSs) were used as reinforcements in this work. Firstly, one-step modification was used to functionalize the reinforcements respectively, and then the magnesium matrix composites CVD-CMSs/Mg and HT-CMSs/Mg were prepared by spark plasma sintering and hot extrusion. The effect of oxygen functional groups which grafted on CMSs by chemical modification was investigated. Secondly, the HT-CMSs reinforcements were functionalized by two-step modification, after that, the magnesium matrix composites HT-CMSs@MgO/Mg were prepared. The impact of MgO nanoparticles coated on HT-CMSs was investigated by compared with HT-CMSs/Mg. Interface structure and mechanical properties of the samples were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, optical micrographs, high-resolution transmission electron microscopy and tensile testing. The results show that oxygen functional groups of carbon microspheres have positive effects on the surface functionalization and dispersion of reinforcing phase. The MgO films, produced between reinforcement and matrix during their fabrication after one-step modification, are effectively promoting the interface compatibility of two phases. MgO nanoparticles coated on the surface of HT-CMSs by CVD play a bridge role between carbon microspheres and matrix, which is beneficial to increase the thickness of MgO films and improve the tensile property of composites.
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