Preparation and Electrochemical Performance of Humic Acid-based Graphitized Materials |
Dongyong SI,Guangxu HUANG,Chuanxiang ZHANG,Baolin XING,Zehua CHEN,Liwei CHEN,Haoran ZHANG
College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo 454003 |
Abstract The lithium-ion battery anode material have been prepared from humic acid through high-temperature heat treatment. The morphology, microcrystalline structure and electrochemical properties of as-prepared activated material were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and electrochemical testing system. The results indicated that the humic acid-based graphitized materials showed a more regular graphite lamellar structure, and the degree of graphitization of the materials was also getting higher and higher with the increase of graphitization temperature. The humic acid-based graphitized mate-rials all presented good electrochemical performance. The graphitized material with the temperature of 2 800 ℃ had a first discharge specific capacity of 356.7 mAh/g and a charge capacity of 277.6 mAh/g, and the initial coulombic efficiencies was 77.81%. The capacity retention rate after 50 cycles at 1C and 2C rates was as high as 99.4% and 95.9%, respectively. The above results suggest that the humic acid-based graphitized material is an ideal lithium ion battery anode material.
Published: 10 February 2018
Online: 2018-02-10
SEM patterns of Shanxi humic acid graphitized materials(2 000×)
XRD patterns of Shanxi humic acid graphitized materials
The charge/discharge curves of the Shanxi humic acid graphitized electrode materials in the first cycles with the current of 0.1C rate
Sample | 0.5C mAh/g | 1C mAh/g | 2C mAh/g | Capacity retention rate | SX-HA-2200 | 129.1 | 90.6 | 30.4 | 83.0% | SX-HA-2400 | 126.6 | 105.6 | 38.5 | 89.3% | SX-HA-2600 | 216.7 | 138.6 | 37.0 | 90.7% | SX-HA-2800 | 239.4 | 200.6 | 150.7 | 94.2% |
Discharge specific capacity and capacity retention at different current rates of Shanxi humic acid graphitizing electrode materials
The cycle performance and rate of the Shanxi humic acid graphitized electrode materials
The cyclic voltammetry curve of Shanxi humic acid graphitized electrode material
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