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材料导报  2021, Vol. 35 Issue (8): 8108-8115
  金属与金属基复合材料 |
丁凤娟1, 贾向东1, 洪腾蛟2, 徐幼林1, 胡喆1
1 南京林业大学机械电子工程学院,南京 210037
2 安徽科技学院机械工程学院,凤阳 233100
Influence of Different Heat Treatment Processes on Plasticity and Hardness of 6061 Aluminum Alloy
DING Fengjuan1, JIA Xiangdong1, HONG Tengjiao2, XU Youlin1, HU Zhe1
1 College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, China
2 College of Mechanical Engineering, Anhui Science and Technology University, Fengyang 233100,China
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摘要 不经过特殊处理的铝合金材料在常温条件下属于低塑性、难变形材料,制约其在工业中的应用。以6061-T6铝合金板材为研究对象,通过单向拉伸试验、维氏显微硬度测试和金相试验等方法分析了不同热处理温度、保温时间和冷却方式等热处理工艺参数对6061铝合金塑性性能和硬度的影响规律。研究结果表明,再结晶发生的程度是影响6061铝合金塑性性能的主要原因。热处理加热温度在410~590 ℃范围内,保温时间为2 h,采用空冷(AC)冷却条件,6061铝合金的塑性性能随热处理温度的升高呈现出波动增加,在560 ℃时达到最大值22.92%;而其硬度则表现出先降后升的变化趋势。在同一热处理温度和冷却方式条件下,延长保温时间,6061铝合金的塑性性能先增大后减小,总体呈上升趋势,而硬度则先降后升。在同一热处理温度和保温时间条件下,空冷(AC)、炉冷(FC)和水冷(WQ)三种不同的冷却方式对6061铝合金塑性性能的影响不大,但对其硬度的影响较大。在所选试验条件下,综合考虑6061铝合金的力学性能指标,热处理加热温度为560 ℃、保温时间为4 h、水冷方式下能够获得较为理想的强度、硬度和塑性性能。
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关键词:  6061铝合金  热处理工艺  硬度  塑性性能    
Abstract: Aluminum alloy materials without special treatment belong to low-plasticity and difficult-to-deform materials under normal temperature conditions, which restricts its application in industry. Therefore, taking 6061-T6 aluminum alloy sheet as the research object, the effects of diffe-rent heat treatment process parameters such as heating temperature, holding time and cooling mode on the plasticity and hardness of 6061 aluminum alloy were studied by means of uniaxial tensile test, Vickers hardness test and metallographic tests. The results show that the degree of recrystallization is the main factors affecting the plastic properties of 6061 aluminum alloy. When the heat treatment heating temperature is range from 410 ℃ to 590 ℃, and the holding time is 2 h, and under air cooling (AC) conditions, the plastic properties of 6061 aluminum alloy had fluctuating increase trend with the rise of heating temperatures, reaching maximum value of 22.92% at 560 ℃. While the hardness of the aluminum alloy showed a trend of decreased first and then increased. Under the same heat treatment temperature and cooling conditions, extending the hol-ding time, the plasticity of the 6061 aluminum alloy first increased and then decreased, and the overall trend was upward, while change tendency of hardness shows it down first and then up. Under the same heat treatment temperature and holding time, different cooling methods, such as air cooling(AC), furnace cooling(FC) and water quenching(WQ), have little effect on the plastic properties of 6061 aluminum alloy, but it have a greater impact on the hardness. Under the selected test conditions, considering the mechanical properties of 6061 aluminum alloy comprehensively, the heat treatment temperature is 560 ℃, holding time is 4 h, and the ideal strength, hardness and plasticity can be obtained under water quenching.
Key words:  6061 aluminum alloy    heat treatment process    hardness    plasticity property
               出版日期:  2021-04-25      发布日期:  2021-05-10
ZTFLH:  TG146.2  
基金资助: 江苏省高等学校自然科学基金(18KJB460020);南京林业大学高水平(高等教育)科学基金(GXL2018020);南京林业大学青年科技创新基金(CX2018027)
作者简介:  丁凤娟,南京林业大学机械工程博士研究生,工程师职称,主要从事机械结构设计及理论研究。
丁凤娟, 贾向东, 洪腾蛟, 徐幼林, 胡喆. 不同热处理工艺对6061铝合金塑性和硬度的影响[J]. 材料导报, 2021, 35(8): 8108-8115.
DING Fengjuan, JIA Xiangdong, HONG Tengjiao, XU Youlin, HU Zhe. Influence of Different Heat Treatment Processes on Plasticity and Hardness of 6061 Aluminum Alloy. Materials Reports, 2021, 35(8): 8108-8115.
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