Abstract: Magnesium alloy is known as the green engineering metal structure material in 21st century. The massive magnesium slag produced in China via Pidgeon process has become a crucial problem. Much solid waste can be reused in building materials preparation, and magnesium slag are no exception but are rarely studied. The researches mainly concerned in the cementitious materials prepared from magnesium slag coupled other solid wastes and cement, so the hydration mechanism of magnesium slag and its effect on cement hydration is not clear yet. In this work, the properties, composition and structural of ultrafine magnesium slag powder-cement composites cementitious materials (MS-C) were investigated, and the influence of ultrafine magnesium slag powder on the hydration process of MS-C were discussed, further unlocking the cooperative hydration mechanism of MS-C. The low reactive γ-C2S is the main form of dicalcium silicate in magnesium slag, so the ultrafine grinding is the key way to improve its filling effect. The content of pore larger than 1 000 nm in cement pastes was reduced from 7.98% to 6.83% when 30% of ultrafine magnesium slag powder was blended. The fluidity of MS-C fresh pastes increased with the addition of ultrafine magnesium slag powder under the action of superplasticizer, but the effect was opposite when there was no superplasticizer. The hydration and weak cementing of ultrafine magnesium slag powder with low dosage can enhance the contribution of its filling effect to strength, in which process more Ca(OH)2 and C-S-H gel were formed. Therefore, MS-C with low dosage of ultrafine magnesium slag powder obtained better mechanical properties than cement 28 d. The conclusions on the hydration characteristics of ultrafine magnesium slag powder-cement made in this study may provide a theoretical basis for improving the utilization value and rate of magnesium slag.
作者简介: 孙睿,2017年于中国矿业大学(北京)获得学士学位,现为中国矿业大学(北京)化学与环境工程学院博士研究生,在王栋民教授的指导下主要从事工业/矿业固体废弃物处理、生态环境建筑材料制备与应用的研究,参与国家重点研发计划项目2项、国家自然科学基金1项。以第一作者在Cement and Concrete Composites、Construction and Building Mate-rials等期刊发表论文5篇,授权国家发明专利3项。
孙睿, 邬兆杰, 王栋民, 丁源, 房奎圳. 超细镁渣微粉-水泥复合胶凝材料的性能及水化机理[J]. 材料导报, 2023, 37(9): 22060197-11.
SUN Rui, WU Zhaojie, WANG Dongmin, DING Yuan, FANG Kuizhen. Properties and Hydration Mechanism of Ultrafine Magnesium Slag Powder-Cement Composites Cementitious Materials. Materials Reports, 2023, 37(9): 22060197-11.
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