Advances in Laser Cladding on the Surface of Iron Carbon Alloy Matrix |
Congshuo ZHAO1,2,Zhiguo XING2,Haidou WANG2,3,Guolu LI1,Zhe LIU2,3
1 School of Materials Science and Engineering, Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin 300130 2 National Key Lab for Remanufacturing, Academy of Armored Forces Engineering, Beijing 100072 3 School of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin 150001 |
Abstract Laser cladding technology (LCT) has the advantages of fast heating speed, small heat affected zone, and low surface temperature of the substrate, thus it can better ensure the dimensional accuracy of parts. In recent years, it has become a widely used technique for surface modification. Laser cladding technology has no requirements for coating powder and matrix material, therefore, it is extensively applied to remanufacture and repair different kinds of components. In this paper, the research status of laser cladding are summarized from the point of iron carbon alloy materials, including cast iron, carbon steel and alloy steel parts. The applications of laser cladding in improving the mechanical properties, wear resistance, corrosion resistance and fatigue resistance of materials are also reviewed. Besides, the problems existing in this technology are proposed and the countermeasures are pointed out. And the conditions for preparing high quality cladding layer are given from aspects of strictly control of process parameters, optimization of material composition and preheat of work-piece or post-processing etc. Finally, the existing problems of current research about laser cladding are pointed out and the future development is also proposed.
Published: 10 February 2018
Online: 2018-02-10
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