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材料导报  2021, Vol. 35 Issue (21): 21236-21242
  金属与金属基复合材料 |
赵华星, 孙晓峰, 宋巍, 李占明, 李德民
陆军装甲兵学院装备保障与再制造系,北京 100072
Application Research and Development of Micro-arc Oxidation Technology in Corrosion Protection of Aluminum Alloy Equipment
ZHAO Huaxing, SUN Xiaofeng, SONG Wei, LI Zhanming, LI Demin
Department of Equipment Support and Remanufacturing, Academy of Army Armored Force , Beijing 100072, China
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摘要 随着轻型合金技术的发展,铝合金被广泛应用于船舶舰艇、装甲装备等领域,但随之带来的腐蚀问题不容小觑。资料显示,我国铝合金舰船的维修费用有近一半用于修复海水腐蚀损坏。铝合金微弧氧化是一种表面处理技术,兴起于上个世纪下半叶,通过在铝合金表面生成陶瓷层,能起到较好的防腐效果,同时对工件结构包容性大,在处理复杂零部件时有特殊优势。
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关键词:  微弧氧化  铝合金  防腐    
Abstract: To meet the development of light alloy technology, more and more aluminum alloy materials have been used on the ships and armored equipments. However, the corrosion problem is very serious. Data shows that nearly half of the maintenance cost of aluminum ships is used to repair corrosion damage in our country. The micro-arc oxidation(MAO) of aluminum alloy is a surface treatment technology which originated in the late last century. By generating ceramic layer on the surface, aluminum alloy gets a better anti-corrosion effect. This technology has special advantages when dealing with complex parts and components.
The MAO coatings composed mainly of α-Al2O3 and γ-Al2O3 on the surface of aluminum alloy, which has high hardness, corrosion resistance and wear resistance. But due to the effect of high pressure breakdown, the aluminum alloy surface formed many discharge channel, causing a large number of holes in the film. In order to improve its corrosion protection effect, scholars have done a lot of research. The factors affecting corrosion resistance can be summarized into four aspects: electrolyte, electrical parameters, oxidation time and additives. Generally speaking, electrolytes and additives have a direct effect on the composition of MAO coatings. Appropriate additives can improve the porosity of film, especially the nanoparticles additives can improve the hardness and strength through the second phase dispersion strengthening mechanism. In addition, the electrical parameters and oxidation time have influences on the film forming efficiency, film thickness and phase structure. The corrosion resis-tance and comprehensive properties of MAO coatings are influenced by the interaction of all the factors.
Developed countries represented by the United States have begun to use aluminum alloy micro-arc oxidation technology in industry since the 1970s. Russia's theoretical research is relatively in-depth and is in a leading position in the world. However, micro-arc oxidation is completed instantly and involves chemistry, electrochemistry, plasma and other reactions. The mechanism is very complicated and there is still no unified mo-del can explain perfectly. Research in our country began in the 1990s, and some achievements have been made in theoretical accumulation and engineering application, especially in some small aluminum alloy workpieces.
In order to provide a reference for further research, this paper summarizes the corrosion protection mechanism of MAO coatings, combs and discusses the factors affecting it's corrosion resistance, and prospects the development of this technology.
Key words:  micro-arc oxidation    aluminum alloy    corrosion protection
               出版日期:  2021-11-10      发布日期:  2021-11-30
ZTFLH:  TG174  
作者简介:  赵华星,工学学士。现为陆军装甲兵学院硕士研究生,在孙晓峰副教授的指导下进行研究。目前主要研究领域为铝合金防腐。
赵华星, 孙晓峰, 宋巍, 李占明, 李德民. 微弧氧化技术在铝合金腐蚀防护中的应用研究与发展[J]. 材料导报, 2021, 35(21): 21236-21242.
ZHAO Huaxing, SUN Xiaofeng, SONG Wei, LI Zhanming, LI Demin. Application Research and Development of Micro-arc Oxidation Technology in Corrosion Protection of Aluminum Alloy Equipment. Materials Reports, 2021, 35(21): 21236-21242.
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