Study on the Properties of Electron Beam Welded Joints of High Carbon Chromium Stainless Steel
DAI Yibo1,2, LUO Bingbing1,*, FANG Weiping1, YI Yaoyong1, HU Yongjun2, YI Peng1,2
1 Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Advanced Welding Technology, China-Ukraine Institute of Welding, Guangdong Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510650, China 2 School of Materials and Energy, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006, China
Abstract: In view of the problem of poor performance of welded joints of high carbon chromium stainless steel, electron beam welding technology was used to weld high carbon chromium stainless steel with a thickness of 5 mm in a quenched and tempered state. The microstructure and pro-perties of the joints were analyzed by optical microscope (OM), X-ray diffractometer (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM), transmission electron microscope (TEM) and tensile testing machine. The results show that under the conditions of accelerating voltage of 150 kV, beam intensity of 17 mA, and welding speed of 850 mm/min, joints with good formation and no defects such as pores and cracks can be obtained. Carbon and alloying elements exist in the weld in the form of solid solution, the fusion zone is martensite and residual austenite, showing a non-equilibrium solidification structure, and the carbide particles in the welding heat-affected zone are partially dissolved. The hardness distribution of the welded joint presents a typical ‘M’ type, and the hardness of the welded heat-affected zone is the highest, which can reach 750HV; the tensile strength of the welded joint is 699 MPa, and brittle fracture occurs in the welded heat-affected zone, and the plastic deformation capacity of the joint decreases sharply.
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DAI Yibo, LUO Bingbing, FANG Weiping, YI Yaoyong, HU Yongjun, YI Peng. Study on the Properties of Electron Beam Welded Joints of High Carbon Chromium Stainless Steel. Materials Reports, 2023, 37(17): 22040270-5.
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