Effect of Rotational Speed on Frictional Heat Production and Interface Structure of Thick Plate Al/Mg Dissimilar Materials by Friction Stir Welding
NIE Hao1, XU Yang2, KE Liming1,2,*, XING Li1
1 National Defence Key Discipline Laboratory of Light Alloy Processing Science and Technology, Nanchang Hangkong University, Nanchang 330063, China 2 State Key Laboratory of Solidification Processing, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an 710072, China
Abstract: The friction stir welding of 20 mm thick Al /Mg dissimilar materials was carried out by employing different rotational speeds. In this study, the influence of the rotation speed on the friction heat production, weld formation and interface structure of thick Al/Mg dissimilar materials by friction stir welding were examined using K-type thermocouple temperature measurement, scanning electron microscopy with an energy dispersive spectroscopy and electron probe micro analyzer. The results show that there is temperature gradient along the thickness direction of the workpiece, the temperature decreases gradually from upper to bottom. Furthermore, the temperature difference on the interfaces of the Al side is higher than that of Mg side at the same rotational speed. The peak temperature on the Al side is also higher than that on the Mg side for two symmetric points at the same thickness of weld. The weld formation gradually deteriorates with the increase of the speed. At 375 r/min, a band-shaped Al3Mg2 layer with a thickness of 12 μm and a thickness of 74 μm Mg+Al12Mg17 eutectic layer were found on the top of the Mg side interface. The thickness of IMCs and eutectic layer in the middle part is smaller than that in the upper part, while no eutectic layer is found in the bottom part. As the rotational speed increased, the thickness of the Al3Mg2 layer and the eutectic layer increased significantly.The joint fracture occurred between the Al3Mg2 layer and the Al alloy strip at the Mg side interface.
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