Molecular-scale Design of Asphalt Materials |
Xinxing ZHOU1,Shaopeng WU2,Xiao ZHANG1,Quantao LIU2,Song XU3,Shuai WANG1
1 Key Laboratory of Highway Construction and Maintenance in Loess Region, Shanxi Transportation Research Institute,Taiyuan 030006 2 State Key Laboratory of Silicate Materials for Architectures, Wuhan University of Technology,Wuhan 430070 3 College of Civil Engineering, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350103 |
Abstract The cardinal issue of molecular-scale design of asphalt materials is the properties prediction via multi-scaled molecular simulation which consequently provide guidance for developing modified asphalt with certain performance. Main methodologies of the molecular-scale design include quantum-mechanical methods, Monte Carlo methods, and molecular dynamics simulations. This review provides a conclusion on the material design, asphaltene models, bitumen models, and the application of quantum mechanics and molecular simulation. It focuses on simulation and calculation methods for the commonly used physical and mechanical properties of modified asphalt materials, and the relevant researches.
Published: 10 February 2018
The (a) hierarchical model, (b) Groenzin and Mullins model,(c) modified Yen model, (d) nanoscience model for asphaltenes
Rogel’s 12 models of asphaltene
Representative average chemical structural models for asphaltenes
(a) Kuznicki’s 4 models of asphaltene; (b) Artok’s model of asphaltene; (c)Derek’s model of asphaltenes;(d) Khafji’s average model structures of asphaltene
Jennings’ eight models of bitumen binders
(a) Amorphous cell 3D model of bitumen; (b) 3D model of linear-SBS-modified bitumen
The four-component bitumen model: (a) asphaltenes; (b) naphthene aromatics;(c) polar aromatics;(d) saturates
(a) Density and temperature relationships obtained via Monte Carlo simulation and experiment; (b) density and temperature relationships of asphaltene 1(C64H52S2)and asphaltene 2 (C72H98S)
Temperature dependences of (a) density and (b) energy of asphalt, graphene-modified asphalt and CNTs-modified asphalt[61]
Type | Etotal | Esurface | Easphalt | Einterface | Basalt concrete Steel slag concrete Andesite concrete | 34 635.8 30 811 31 107.8 | -214.3 -457.5 -225.2 | 17 135.8 115 362 15 610.4 | -17 714.3 84 093.5 -15 722.6 |
The interfacial adhesion energy (kJ/mol) of some asphalt mixtures
Temperature/K | D /(10-8 m·s-2) | Relax time/ps | 255.15 298.15 333.15 408.15 436.15 | 3.292 4.608 5.553 5.980 6.247 | 2.991 0.479 0.341 0.291 0.162 |
The diffusion coefficients and relaxation times of asphaltene at different temperatures
The three modes of asphaltene interaction
δ1 | δs | δexp | | Asphaltene | 18.4314 | 20—22 | | Toluene | 18.4044 | 18.3 | | Benzene | 18.8078 | 18.7 | | Pyridine | 21.2766 | 21.7 | | n-pentane | 14.3731 | 14.4 | | n-hexane | 14.9379 | 14.9 | | n-heptane | 15.3088 | 15.3 | | δ2 | δD | δP | δH | Crude oil | 17.7 | 4 | 0.6 | Asphalt | 18.4 | 3.9 | 3.6 | Asphaltene | 19.6 | 3.4 | 4.4 | Maltene | 17.7 | 5.8 | 2.5 | Polystyrene | 18.5 | 4.5 | 2.9 | Docosane | 15.85 | 0 | 0 | Dimethylnaphthalene | 18.8 | 0 | 0 | 4-ethyl-dibenzothiophene | 21.1 | 1.6 | 6 | 3-pentylthiophene | 18.9 | 1.25 | 2.6 | 7,8-benzoquinoline | 19.5 | 3.7 | 5.7 | Methylbenzo cyclohexane | 20.4 | 0.49 | 0 |
Hildebrand and Hansen solubility parameters(MPa1/2)
Asphalt system | Tc(docosane) | Tc(dimethylnaphthalene) | 443.15 K 400 K 358.15 K 298.15 K | 0.048 0.21 147.2 182.8 | 0.004 7 0.011 9 0.215 1.934 |
Relaxation time Tc (ns) for n-C22 and dimethylnaphthalene molecules
Gyration radii of recycled asphalts differed in addition amount of bio-oil regenerant[86]
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