1 Hubei Key Laboratory of Green Light Industrial Materials, Hubei University of Technology, Wuhan 430068, China 2 School of Mechanical Engineering,Wuhan Polytechnic University,Wuhan 430023,China 3 Wuhan Bojin New Materials Technology Co., Ltd., Wuhan 430058, China
Abstract: The microstructure and mechanical properties of high frequency induction welding joints of 3003 aluminum alloy with wall thickness of 0.28 mm were studied. The results show that the grain size of the welded joint is fine, which is caused by the simultaneous induction heating and extrusion in the welding process, resulting in the plastic deformation of local grains, thereby inhibiting the grain growth. The fusion zone is a narrow waist shape with a width of 6—10 μm, the melting zone with unilateral width of 24—49 μm is thin waist drum-shaped, and the heat affected zone on adjacent sides is partially recrystallized, with width of 115—127 μm. The fracture morphology shows that the fracture type of the welded joint is ductile brittle mixed fracture dominated by ductile fracture. Its tensile strength is 242 MPa, which reaches 91% of the strip, and the elongation is 15%, which is slightly lower than that of the strip (23%). The hardness values of each region of the welded joint were distributed in M-shaped symmetry. The hardness values of the melting zone and the heat affected zone were significantly higher than those of the base metal zone. The hardness value of the melting zone was the highest, reaching 85.27HV, and that of the heat affected zone was about 79.33HV. The hardness value of the fusion zone was the lowest, only 55.85HV. Compared with the base metal, the strength and hardness distribution of welded joints are related to the grain size and the type and distribution of the second phase in each region.
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