Microstructure and Properties of 40 mm-thick TC4 Titanium Alloy Welded Joint by Narrow-gap Laser Welding with Filler Wire
XU Kaixin1, LEI Zhen1, HUANG Ruisheng1, YIN Limeng2,3, FANG Naiwen1,4, ZOU Jipeng1, CAO Hao1
1 Harbin Welding Institute Limited Company, Harbin 150028, China 2 China-Ukraine E.O. Paton Institute of Welding, Guangdong Modern Welding Key Laboratory, Guangzhou 510651, China 3 School of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, Chongqing University Science & Technology, Chongqing 401331, China 4 School of Material Science and Chemical Engineering, Harbin University of Science and Technology, Harbin 150006, China
Abstract: 40 mm-thick TC4 titanium alloy was welded by narrow-gap laser welding with filler wire. The microstructure and structure of each area of the welded joint were analyzed by OM, SEM, EDS, XRD, EBSD and other testing methods, and the mechanical properties were tested.The results show that the weld cross section is well formed without obvious lack of fusion and pore.The microstructure of the three areas of the joint is essentially the same: there are densely arranged needle α′ martensite and dispersed granular αg phase in the columnar crystal of the weld, in the same β grain, the α′ orientation is preferred and the ratio of grain boundary with large angle is higher and all the areas of the weld center have α′+β phase structure.The heat-affected zone presents as transition-state structure. The closer it is to the weld, the more similar its microstructure is to that of the weld. In the welding process, Al element diffuses into the heat-affected zone.The overall hardness of the weld area of the welded joint is higher than that of the base metal, and the cover layer is the highest, with an average value of about 380HV.The maximum tensile strength of the joint reaches 954 MPa. The tensile samples are all broken in the base metal with ductile fracture. The impact performance of the joints at room temperature is all lower than that of the base metal.
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