Design of a Three-stage Metal Hydride Hydrogen Compressor and Progress of Hydrogen Compression Materials
OUYANG Liuzhang1,2, PENG Zhuoya1, WANG Hui1,2, LIU Jiangwen1,2, ZHU Min1,2
1 School of Materials Science and Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510641, China 2 Advanced Energy Storage Materials Engineering Technology Research Center of Guangdong Province, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510641, China
Abstract: Continuously rising concerns over dwindling resources of conventional energy and the environmental issues of burning fossil fuels have promoted extensive efforts on the development of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles (HFCVs) powered by clean and renewable hydrogen energy. The onboard hydrogen compressed tank is a good choice for hydrogen storage, transportation, and usage in HFCVs systems. To increase the volumetric hydrogen storage density and ensure the safe application of tanks, the maximum pressure of tanks is limited to 70 MPa H2 by the Standard Organization Hydrogen Technical Committee. Currently, achieving safe and efficient charging/recharging of hydrogen is a linchpin in accelerating the marketization of HFCVs, thus stimulating higher requirements for the hydrogen compressors in hydrogen refueling stations (HRSs). To date, there are a series of disadvantages in most of the in-service HRSs using mechanical hydrogen compressors, such as poor safety, severe vibration and noise pollution, and high maintenance costs, etc. To overcome these issues, metal hydride hydrogen compressors (MHHCs) are applied in the filling of HFCVs systems, with hydrogen storage alloys acting as hydrogen compression materials, enabling different plateau pressures under varied temperatures. The MHHCs possess numerous advantages that merit their hydrogen storage applications, including reliable safety, environmental friendliness, high-efficiency hydrogen purification, and low maintenance costs, as opposed to the traditional ones. To meet the real-time demand of the output pressure and compression ratio, the MHHCs are designed as a series of multi-level hydrogen compressors by loading with different hydrogen compression materials. In this regard, the optimization of the thermodynamics and kinetics of the hydrogen compression materials is the pivotal factor for the whole metal hydride hydrogen compression system. The modification of hydrogen compression materials mainly focuses on alloying, namely, replacing the A-side of AB5 (such as LaNi5) alloy with mixed rare earth elements Mm and Ml and the B-side with Co, Al, Mn, Sn, etc. Owing to their low hydrogen absorption/desorption plateau, stable anti-poisoning performance as well as cycling stability, the modified AB5-type alloys are widely applied in high-density hydrogen storage or primary hydrogen compression materials. Similarly, the A and B sides of TiCr2 alloy can be usually substituted by Zr and V, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, etc. The modified AB2-type alloys hold as much higher dehydrogenation/hydrogenation plateau and hydrogen storage capacity as the former ones, thus acting as intermediate or final-level hydrogen compression materials. Also, ZrFe2-based alloys with extremely high plateau pressures are considered as one of the potential materials for hydrogen compression. Overall, this review briefly narrates the working principle and characteristics of MHHCs and is followed by thedesign of three-stage hydrogen compressors. Afterward, we focus on the recent advances of the corresponding hydrogen compression materials. Finally, the future development of hydrogen compression materials is also discussed.
作者简介: 欧阳柳章,珠江学者特聘教授,教育部新世纪优秀人才,华南理工大学材料科学与工程学院副院长、教授、博士研究生导师。1994年7月本科毕业于燕山大学,2001年6月在华南理工大学取得博士学位。欧阳柳章教授主要从事先进储能材料、材料合成与制备新方法方面的研究,先后主持国家国际科技合作项目、国家自然科学基金等国家及省部级科研项目近20项;申请国家专利30多件;培养硕、博研究生30多名;2017年获教育部技术发明奖(一等奖)。同时,欧阳教授还在Nature Communication、Advanced Energy Mate-rials、Angewandte Chemie International Editon、Journal of Materials Chemistry、ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces、Journal of Alloys & Compounds等国际学术期刊上发表论文300余篇,被引用超过9 000次,H因子59。
欧阳柳章, 彭琢雅, 王辉, 刘江文, 朱敏. 三级金属氢化物氢压缩机设计及氢压缩材料的研究进展[J]. 材料导报, 2022, 36(1): 21030081-11.
OUYANG Liuzhang, PENG Zhuoya, WANG Hui, LIU Jiangwen, ZHU Min. Design of a Three-stage Metal Hydride Hydrogen Compressor and Progress of Hydrogen Compression Materials. Materials Reports, 2022, 36(1): 21030081-11.
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