Experimental Study on Mechanical Properties of NPR Steel Bar
SHANG Huaishuai1,*, SHAO Shuwen1, FENG Haibao2, LI Yongsheng3
1 School of Civil Engineering, Qingdao University of Technology, Qingdao 266033,Shandong, China 2 China Communications No.1 Aviation Bureau Company, Tianjin 300000,China 3 Qingdao Aviation Engineering Test Company, Qingdao 266033,Shandong, China
Abstract: Anew type of high strength and high ductility steel bar(negative poisson ratio (NPR) steel bar) has been developed in China. The new steel bar also has the characteristics of non-magnetic, anti-corrosion and strong magnetic field magnetization resistance. In this work, the chemical composition, Rockwell hardness, metallographic structure and static tensile mechanical properties of the NPR steel bars have been tested and analyzed. The results show that the content of C and Mn in NPR steel bars is significantly different from that in HRB400 steel bars. Its Rockwell hardness is higher than that of HRB400 steel bars and the metallographic structure of NPR steel bars shows that it is a fully austenitic material. NPR steel bars have no obvious necking phenomenon during the stretching process, and the macroscopic fracture morphology shows ductile fracture characteristics. The stress-strain curve of NPR steel bars shows that its yield platform disappears and there is no obvious yield strength. The mechanical properties of NPR steel bars, such as yield strength, tensile strength, elongation after fracture and total elongation at maximum force, are significantly higher than those of HRB400 steel bars. Based on the experimental conclusions, the Ramberg-Osgood model is used to fit the measured stress-strain curve of NPR steel bars, and the fitting curve is in good agreement with the measured curve. This work can provide a theo-retical basis for the promotion and application of NPR new steel bars.
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