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材料导报  2022, Vol. 36 Issue (15): 20090233-7
  金属与金属基复合材料 |
郭靖, 孟永强, 孙金峰*, 张少飞
河北科技大学材料科学与工程学院,河北省柔性功能材料重点实验室,石家庄 050018
Research Progress in the Preparation and Interface Modification of High Thermal Conductivity Diamond/Copper Composites
GUO Jing, MENG Yongqiang, SUN Jinfeng*, ZHANG Shaofei
Key Lab of Flexible Functional Materials of Hebei Province, College of Material Science and Engineering, Hebei University of Science and Technology, Shijiazhuang 050018, China
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摘要 金刚石/铜复合材料理论上具有高热导率和低膨胀系数等优异的热学性能,在热管理领域具有广阔的应用前景。然而金刚石与铜的界面亲和性差,常压下即使熔融的铜也不能润湿金刚石,金刚石和铜的界面处通常存在热阻较大的空隙,导致金刚石/铜复合材料的实际热导率远低于理论值。改善金刚石/铜界面亲和性、提高其热导率通常从烧结方法和金刚石与铜的界面调控两方面入手。本文在烧结方法方面归纳了高温高压法、真空热压烧结法、放电等离子烧结法以及熔体浸渗法等金刚石/铜复合材料的制备技术;在金刚石与铜界面调控方面总结了铜基体合金化和金刚石表面金属化等技术,并提出了当前金刚石/铜复合材料在烧结及界面修饰研究中存在的问题,及其未来的发展趋势。
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关键词:  金刚石/铜复合材料  热导率  热膨胀系数  界面调控    
Abstract: Diamond/copper composites show great prospect in thermal management applications due to their high thermal conductivity(TC) and low coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) in theory. However, the actual TC is far below the theoretical TC, because of the poor interface affinity between diamond and copper. At usual atmospheric pressure, even the molten cooper can not wet the diamond. So the gaps with the high thermal resistance usually can be found between diamond and cooper. Optimized sintering and interface control techniques are usually used to improve the actual TC of diamond/copper composites (Dia/Cu). In this paper, the sintering techniques such as high temperature and high pressure, vacuum hot-pressing sintering, spark plasma sintering and infiltration are summarized. The bonding of diamond/copper interface can be strengthened by adding metal elements into copper matrix and surface metallization of diamond. Moreover, the problems of diamond/copper composites preparation and interface modification are pointed out, as well as the development trend.
Key words:  diamond/copper composites (Dia/Cu)    thermal conductivity (TC)    coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE)    interface modification
出版日期:  2022-08-10      发布日期:  2022-08-15
ZTFLH:  TG333  
基金资助: 河北省自然科学基金(E202008069)
通讯作者:  *   
作者简介:  郭靖,2017年6月毕业于河北科技大学,获得工学学士学位。现为河北科技大学材料科学与工程学院硕士研究生,在孙金峰教授的指导下进行研究。目前主要研究领域为高导热金刚石铜复合材料。
孙金峰,河北科技大学材料科学与工程学院副教授。2004年7月本科毕业于燕山大学材料科学与工程学院,2010年1月获得燕山大学材料学博士学位。2010年3月就职于河北科技大学,先后主持河北省自然科学基金项目、河北省科技厅科技支撑计划项目、河北省教育厅高等学校科学技术研究项目。长期从事粉末冶金、结构陶瓷、金属基复合材料等方面的研究,在Chinese Physics Letters、Journal of Alloys and Compounds、Journal of Inorganic Materials等SCI学术期刊发表相关领域研究论文10余篇,获授权发明专利5项。
郭靖, 孟永强, 孙金峰, 张少飞. 高导热金刚石/铜复合材料的制备与界面调控研究进展[J]. 材料导报, 2022, 36(15): 20090233-7.
GUO Jing, MENG Yongqiang, SUN Jinfeng, ZHANG Shaofei. Research Progress in the Preparation and Interface Modification of High Thermal Conductivity Diamond/Copper Composites. Materials Reports, 2022, 36(15): 20090233-7.
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