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材料导报  2020, Vol. 34 Issue (2): 2023-2028
  无机非金属及其复合材料 |
吴珊妮, 赵远, 姜宏, 文峰, 熊春荣
海南大学南海海洋资源利用国家重点实验室,海南大学海南省特种玻璃重点实验室,海口 570228
Construction of W/Al2O3 Functional Nano-multilayers with Low Thermal Conductivity and Superior Mechanical Properties
WU Shanni, ZHAO Yuan, JIANG Hong, WEN Feng, XIONG Chunrong
State Key Laboratory of Marine Resource Utilization in South China Sea & Special Glass Key Laboratory of Hainan Province,Hainan University,Haikou 570228,China
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摘要 本研究以高纯W与Al2O3为靶材,在常温下采用磁控溅射法在钠钙硅玻璃表面交替镀制了W及Al2O3纳米多层膜。在多层膜总厚度相同的条件下,研究了不同W/Al2O3周期厚度对隔热性能的影响。采用台阶仪、扫描电镜(SEM)、X射线衍射仪(XRD)、场发射透射电镜(TEM)等对多层膜的形貌及结构进行了表征。采用瞬态热反射法(TTR)、纳米压痕仪分别分析了多层膜的隔热性能和力学性能。结果表明,实验沉积的多层膜中各单层均匀连续,不存在断层现象,且层间界面清晰。Al2O3膜层呈非晶形态,W膜层具有亚稳态β-W(210)的择优取向,并在周期厚度为5 nm时呈现明显的非晶态。随着膜层界面密度的增大,多层膜的热阻增大,热导率减小,硬度增大。周期厚度为5 nm、膜层数为41 层的W/Al2O3多层膜具有较为优异的隔热性能与力学性能,其热阻为3.14×10-7 m2·K·W-1,有效热导率为0.36 W·m-1·K-1,硬度为8.53 GPa,膜/基结合力为42.20 mN。所制备的多层膜在室温到500 ℃之间具有良好的热稳定性。
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关键词:  W/Al2O3多层膜  磁控溅射  热导率  周期厚度  瞬态热反射法    
Abstract: This work carried out an alternative deposition of W/Al2O3 nano-multilayers with various periodic thickness on the surface of soda-lime-silica glass by means of magnetron sputtering at room temperature, taking W and Al2O3 as targets. Under the condition of the same total thickness of W/Al2O3nano-multilayers, the effects of various periodic thickness on thermal insulation performance of W/Al2O3 were investigated. Step profiler, scanning electron microscope (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscope (TEM) were employed to characterize the morphology and structure of W/Al2O3 nano-multilayers. Transient thermoreflectance (TTR) technique and nano indentation instrument were adopted to measure the thermal and mechanical properties of W/Al2O3 nano-multilayers. It was found that the individual layer in the nano-multilayers was uniform and continuous, no fault could be observed and interface between the layers was clear. The deposited Al2O3 layer exhibited an amorphous morphology, and the W layer held a metastable β-W (210) preferred orientation and showed an obvious amorphous state under the periodic thickness of 5 nm. The increase of interface density would bring about the enhancement in thermal resistance and hardness, and the decline in thermal conductivity of W/Al2O3 nano-multilayers. The W/Al2O3 nano-multilayers with 41 layers and periodic thickness of 5 nm exhibited an exceptional thermal insulation and mechanical properties, presenting the thermal resistance of 3.14×10-7m2·K·W-1, effective thermal conductivity of 0.36 W·m-1·K-1, hardness up to 8.53 GPa, binding force between multilayers and substrate of 42.20 mN. The prepared W/Al2O3 nano-multilayers possess a satisfactory thermal stability in the range of room temperature to 500 ℃.
Key words:  W/Al2O3 multilayer films    magnetron sputtering    thermal conductivity    periodic thickness    transient thermoreflectance technique
出版日期:  2020-01-25      发布日期:  2020-01-03
ZTFLH:  TB34  
基金资助: 海南省重大科技计划项目(ZDKJ2017011);国家自然科学基金(51761010)
作者简介:  吴珊妮,目前为海南大学化学工程专业在读硕士,主要从事功能膜材料研究;熊春荣,海南大学教授。1998年硕士毕业于复旦大学,1998—2002年在中国石化上海石油化工研究院工作。2003—2007年至美国德克萨斯大学读博。2007年在加州大学Merced分校做博士后研究。2008年8月来海南大学工作至今,主要研究方向为功能膜材料、纳米材料、工业催化。
吴珊妮, 赵远, 姜宏, 文峰, 熊春荣. 具有优良隔热和力学性能的低热导率W/Al2O3纳米多层功能膜的构建[J]. 材料导报, 2020, 34(2): 2023-2028.
WU Shanni, ZHAO Yuan, JIANG Hong, WEN Feng, XIONG Chunrong. Construction of W/Al2O3 Functional Nano-multilayers with Low Thermal Conductivity and Superior Mechanical Properties. Materials Reports, 2020, 34(2): 2023-2028.
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