Abstract: Graphene has extremely high thermal conductivity due to its property of relying on phonons for heat conduction. Both theoretical and experimental studies have proved that the thermal conductivity of monolayer graphene can come up to more than 5 000 W·m-1·K-1, which is the material with the highest thermal conductivity known at present. However, monolayer graphene is difficult to achieve practical application at macro scale due to its geometric size such as thin thickness and small sheet diameter. Due to the rapid development of the preparation of high-quality graphene powders by chemical methods, the preparation of flexible graphene paper with high thermal conductivity from graphene powders has become one of the hot research directions in recent years. Although the in-plane thermal conductivity of graphene paper has been able to reach more than 1 000 W·m-1·K-1, there is still a large gap between the thermal conductivity of graphene paper and that of monolayer graphene. Meanwhile, the through-plane thermal conductivity of graphene paper is extremely low. In recent years, researchers have studied the graphene paper for increasing the in-plane thermal conductivity and through-plane thermal conductivity via employing large size graphene powder, optimizing the microstructure of graphene paper, innovating the reduction method, introducing other materials in graphene paper and so on. This paper reviews the recent research progress of graphene paper, introduces the preparation methods, analyzes the factors that may affect the thermal conductivity of graphene paper, discusses the methods which can enhance the thermal conductivity of graphene paper, summarizes the research trend of thermal conductivity of graphene paper and prospects the application of graphene paper in thermal management at the same time.
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