The Regulation of Interfacial Bonding in SiC/Al Matrix Composites
JIAO Yuhong1,2, ZHU Jianfeng1,*, WANG Fen1
1 Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Green Preparation and Functionalization for Inorganic Materials, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shaanxi University of Science & Technology, Xi'an 710021, China 2 School of Material and Chemical Engineering, Bengbu University, Bengbu 233000, Anhui, China
Abstract: The major obstacle in fabrication and property improvements of SiC/Al matrix composites, which is urgent to get disposed, is weak wettability and interfacial reactions of the interface. Though the relative sessile drop experiments and thermodynamics calculations have revealed the mechanism of wettability and interfacial reactions, and built the theoretical model of wettability and interfacial reactions, the critical effective and tangled factors of the wettability are ambiguous yet due to the complex multi-factors of the wettability. The effectively controlled wettability factors of the SiC/Al matrix composites have not been suggested systematically. The results of wettability research contradicted each other. To explore the influential critical factor of the interfacial wettability, the wettability effects of experiments factor were summarized as follow: (1) SiC matrix status (purity, roughness, porosity, free Si contents, etc.) and the polar surface of SiC (C-termination or Si-termination); (2) the oxide layer and its thickness of alloy matrix and SiC (PO2); (3) the species and contents of alloying elements; (4) the temperature and time of wetting tests; (5) interfacial reactions of Al-SiC; (6) technological of wetting test (sessile drop, dispensed sessile drop, etc.); (7) weight and size of molten alloy drop. Except (6) and (7), the above various influential factors of the wetting test are the wetting effectś key factors. The significance and value of these factors contribute to improving the fabrication and properties of SiC/Al matrix composites. The interfacial reaction between pure Al and SiC which formed Al4C3 occurred at 650 ℃. The products reacted with water at room temperature which destroyed the structures of interfacial bonding, and thus the properties of the composites are damaged. Dynamic and thermodynamic mo-dels were built by density functional theory and thermodynamic calculation. The effects of temperature, reaction time, alloying elements and Sićs polar surface were revealed through experiments and analysis of microstructures to restrict the harmful interfacial reaction. Compared with the effects of wettability, the interfacial reaction of the SiC/Al system was the fundamental restriction on improving the properties and working life. Nevertheless, a part of the influential factors of wettability similar to the interfacial reaction factors were achieved coordination of regulation by alloying elements added, modified SiC and transition layer and special fabrication processes at lower temperature processes. The interfacial wettability and reactions researches suggest that three routes have been found in the interface control. Firstly, limited control and regulation of interfacial wettability and reactions are alloying elements added, that is, it improves the wettability and decreases (or restrain) the interfacial reactions under controlled processes. Secondly, designing interfacial bonding and the transition layer of the prospective chemical composition, microstructure and adhesive work were obtained to control interfacial reactions and wettability. Thirdly, a novel process of the fabrications that referenced the researcherś results and thermodynamic models had obtained the promising properties of bulk samples controlled by the temperature and time of the interfacial wettability and reactions, such as accumulative roll bonding processes, spraying deposition and in-situ synthesis etc. Though the routes could control the interfacial wettability and reactions, the calculated and expectant properties results had a vast distance to above processes data. Therefore, to decrease the contact angle and wetting time, the designed interfacial reactions, compositions and microstructures could reveal deeply based on theory calculation, resulting in improved composites properties under moderate conditions.
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