A Review of the Preparation Techniques for Porous Amorphous Alloys and Their Composites |
Zhengrong FU,Xiuchang WANG,Qinglin JIN,Jun TAN
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650093 |
Abstract Porous amorphous alloy is an emerging structural and/or functional material combined the both advantages of metallic foams and glassy alloys, which has reflected the light-weight, high-strength, and large-toughness are unified. Recently,porous amorphous alloys and their composites have exert tremendous fascination on researchers at home and abroad because of their excellent physical and chemical properties,such as high strength, low elastic modulus,high elastic strains,high corrosion resistance, and so on. In this paper,the research progress of porous amorphous alloys and their composites have been summarized.
Published: 10 February 2018
Online: 2018-02-10
Ingredient | Porosity/% | Aperture/μm | E/GPa | σ/MPa | ε/% | Year | Reference | Pd43Ni10Cu27P20 | 84 | 100—1 000 | | | | 2003 | [11] | Pd42.5Cu30Ni7.5P20 | 65 | 125—250 | 5.2 | 75 | 1.8 | 2003 | [12] | Zr57Nb5Cu15.4Ni12.6Al10 | 60 | 25—50 | | | | 2004 | [26] | Pd35Pt15Cu30P20 | 45 | 200 | 27 | 400 | >30 | 2005 | [15] | Ti36Y20Al24Co20 | | 0.015—0.155 | | | | 2006 | [45] | Ni59Zr20Ti16Si2Sn3 | 40 | 10—50 | | 350 | 3.25 | 2006 | [49] | Cu47Ti33Zr11Ni8Si1 | 25 | 0.02—0.5 | | | | 2006 | [52] | Zr55Cu30Al10Ni5 | 33.5 | | 16 | 93 | >3 | 2006 | [30] | Zr47Ti13Cu11Ni10Be16Nb3 | 80 | 150-200 | | 820 | 1.3 | 2007 | [31] | Fe48Cr15Mo14Y2C15B6 | 65 | | | | | 2007 | [53] | Zr57Nb5Al10Ni12.6Cu15.4 | 60.4 | 50 | 17 | 180 | >16 | 2007 | [33] | Mg60Cu21Ag7Gd12 | 57.5 | 2 000 | 8.5 | 109 | 90 | 2007 | [56] | Zr48Cu36Al8Ag8 | 13 | | 71 | 1 390 | 0.02 | 2008 | [34] | Zr58.5Nb2.8Cu15.6Ni12.8Al10.3 | 60 | 45—106 | | 62 | 70 | 2009 | [25] | Hf44.5Cu27Ni13.5Ti5Al10 | 62 | 45—106 | | | 80 | 2012 | [57] | Zr41.25Ti13.75Cu12.5Ni10Be22.5 | 65 | | | 30 | 0.29 | 2012 | [37] | Pd40Cu30Ni10P20 | | 20—550 | | | | 2012 | [22] | Zr56.3Nb5.1Cu15.6Ni12.9Al10 | 70 | 45-106 | | | | 2013 | [39] | Zr35Ti30Be26.75Cu8.25 | | 20—550 | | | | 2013 | [44] | Ti45Zr10Cu31Pd10Sn4 | 60 | 125—250 | | | | 2014 | [46] | Ti42Zr40Ta3Si15 | 14 | | 337 | 52 | 0.67 | 2016 | [47] | Fe82Nb6B12 | 23—38 | 0.12 | | | | 2017 | [55] |
The first reported year,pore structure parameters and mechanical properties of various amorphous alloy foams and their composites
The process of porous amorphous alloys prepared by melting with foaming agent
The process of porous amorphous alloys prepared by gas injection
The process of porous amorphous alloys prepared by infiltration casting method with easily soluble particle
The process of porous amorphous alloys prepared by powder sintering
SEM images of porous Zr55Cu30Al10Ni5 bulk metallic glasses with porosity of 70%[32]:(a) the as-produced foam synthesized by hot pressing;(b) the cellular structure of the as-produced foam;(c) magnified view of the inner wall of the foam (the arrows representing bonding region between particles)
The compressive stress-strain curve of an 86% porosity foam deformed toward full densification[17]
SEM micrographs of the transverse cross section of the sintered porous Zr55Cu30Al10Ni5 bulk glassy alloys with porosities of (a) 4.7% and (b) 33.5%[30]
SEM images of porous Cu47Ti33Zr11Ni8Si1 metallic glass with porosity of 25%[52]:(a) transverse polished cross section of precursor before dissolution of the Cu;(b) macrostructure of porous metallic glass;(c) transverse cross-sectional microstructure metallic glass; (d) enlarged image of (c)
Uniaxial compressive stress-strain curves of Zr58.5Nb2.8Cu15.6Ni12.8Al10.3 foam[25]:(a)porosities of 57% and 64% from Vit/Cu;(b)porosities of 57% and 59% from Vit/Ni;(c)porosities of 59.5% and 63% from Vit/W
The process of porous amorphous alloys prepared by dealloying
The process of porous amorphous alloys prepared by processing in supercooled liquid region
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