1 School of Material Science and Engineering, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710064, China 2 Postdoctoral Scientific Research Station of Mechanical Engineering, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710064, China 3 Technical Center, Jinduicheng Molybdenum Co., Ltd., Xi'an 710077, China
Abstract: The Si-B composite coatings with different doping amount of CeO2 were prepared on the surface of molybdenum substrate by two-step pack cementation methods. The effect of CeO2 doping on phase structure and cross-section morphology of Si-B composite coatings before and after oxidation at 1 150℃ were analyzed by XRD, EDS and SEM. The oxidation kinetics of Si-B composite coatings before and after CeO2 doping oxidized at 1 150℃ for 160 h were studied by mass-loss method. The results showed that appropriate doping amount of CeO2 had certain per-meation effect on Si element in pack cementation process. The Si-B composite coatings with thick, uniform and dense structure were obtained when the doping amount of CeO2 was fixed at 1wt%. However, the thickness of Si-B composite coatings decreased with the further increase of CeO2 doping amount. The oxidation rate constant (1.48×10-4 mg2/(cm4·h))of the doped Si-B composite coating oxidized at 1 150℃ for 70 h was significantly lower than that without CeO2 doping, which indicated that the Si-B composite coating doped with CeO2 has better high temperature oxidation resistance.
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