Preparation Process of Phytic Acid Conversion Film on B30 Cu-Ni Alloy
CHANG Qinpeng1, CHEN Youyuan1,2,3, AN Zhendong4, WANG Lei5
1 College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266100 2 Key Laboratory of Marine Environment and Ecology of Ministry of Education, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266100 3 Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Marine Environment and Geological Engineering, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266100 4 Sunrui Marine Environment Engineering Co., Ltd., Qingdao 266101 5 Qingdao Municipal Engineering Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd., Qingdao 266061
Abstract: Aiming at improving the corrosion resistance of phytic acid conversion film on the surface of B30 Cu-Ni alloy, scanning electron microscope(SEM), potentiodynamic polarization method and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) were employed to investigate the effects of immersion duration, phytic acid concentration and molybdate concentration on the microstructure of the conversion film on B30 Cu-Ni alloy and its corrosion inhibition efficiency in 3.5% NaCl solution. The results indicated that the corrosion inhibition efficiency of phytic acid conversion film increased gradually with the extension of immersion duration. While the immersion duration exceeded 12 h, cracks appeared on the surface of phytic acid conversion film, which destroyed the integrity of the film and leaded to the decrease of corrosion resistance. Moreover, the corrosion inhibition efficiency of phytic acid conversion film improved with the increasing phytic acid concentration. When the phytic acid concentration exceeded 10 mmol/L, the microstructure of phytic acid conversion film became loose and porous, and its corrosion inhibition efficiency declined because of the poor compactness of the film. Besides, with the addition of sodium molybdate, composite conversion film was formed and its corrosion inhibition efficiency enhanced with increasing molybdate concentration. However, when the concentration of sodium molybdate exceeded 50 mg/L, the corrosion inhibition efficiency of the composite conversion film began to decrease. Various immersion duration and phytic acid concentration can exert obvious impact on the corrosion resistance of the phytic acid conversion film on B30 Cu-Ni alloy by changing its integrity and compactness. The corrosion resistance of the phytic acid conversion film can be further improved by adding molybdate to the phytic acid solution.
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