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材料导报  2023, Vol. 37 Issue (17): 22100141-6
  金属与金属基复合材料 |
陈该青1, 刘凯2, 徐幸1, 吴瑛1, 肖勇2,*
1 中国电子科技集团公司第三十八研究所,合肥 230088
2 武汉理工大学材料科学与工程学院,武汉 430070
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Al Alloy Joint Soldered with Ni Foam/In-48Sn Composite Solder
CHEN Gaiqing1, LIU Kai2, XU Xing1, WU Ying1, XIAO Yong2,*
1 The 38th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation, Hefei 230088, China
2 School of Materials Science and Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, China
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摘要 In-48Sn共晶焊料具有熔点低、延展性高、润湿性好等优点,在微波、通信等功能组件的钎焊连接中具有广泛应用。然而,In-48Sn共晶焊料力学性能较差,已难满足新一代功能组件的载荷要求。采用微合金化及微纳米颗粒、纤维强化等方法可在一定程度上提高焊料的强度,但钎焊接头的强度提升效果有限。基于此,本工作采用真空浸渗工艺制备了泡沫Ni强化In-48Sn复合焊料,并采用该复合焊料对表面含Ag镀层的Al合金进行了低温钎焊连接,重点研究了泡沫Ni孔隙率和钎焊时间对接头显微结构及力学性能的影响。研究结果表明,Al合金表面形成了Ag2In金属间化合物(IMC)层,其随钎焊时间延长不断增厚,且在无Ni骨架阻挡时易向焊缝中生长形成块状结构。In-48Sn焊料与泡沫Ni骨架反应形成了(Ni,Cu)3-(In,Sn)7相,延长钎焊时间、减小泡沫Ni孔隙度均会促进该反应相的形成并加快In基焊料的消耗,最终焊缝完全由Ni骨架和IMCs组成,而钎焊接头的剪切强度也相应增加。采用50%Ni-In48Sn复合焊料钎焊120 min时接头剪切强度达到了34.34 MPa,相比In-48Sn共晶焊料钎焊接头提升了335.2%。
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关键词:  泡沫Ni  In-48Sn焊料  Al合金接头  显微结构  力学性能    
Abstract: In-48Sn eutectic solder has the advantages of low melting point, high ductility, and good wettability, and is widely used in the soldering of microwave, communication, and other functional components. However, the mechanical properties of In-48Sn eutectic solder are poor, which made it difficult to meet the load requirements of the latest functional components. By adding trace alloys, nano-sized particles or fibers into In-Sn solders could improve the strength of them to a certain extent, but the strength improvements of joints using these solders were limited. Based on these, we prepared Ni foam strengthened In-48Sn composite solders by vacuum infiltration process, then using the as-fabricated composite sol-ders to join Ag coated Al alloy at low temperature. Effects of Ni foam porosity and soldering time on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the joints were studied. Results showed that the Ag2In intermetallic compound (IMC) layer formed on the Al alloy surface, the thickness of which increased with prolonging soldering time; moreover, the Ag2In phase tended to form a block structure in the solder seam when there were no Ni skeleton barriers. A (Ni, Cu)3(In, Sn)7 phase formed during the reaction between In-48Sn solder and Ni skeletons. Prolonging the soldering time and reducing the porosity of Ni foams could both promote the formation of reaction phases and accelerate the consumption of In-48Sn solder, accompanied by the shear strength improvements of the joints. Finally, the soldering seam was completely composed of Ni skeleton and IMCs. The joint soldered with 50%Ni-In48Sn composite solder for 120 min obtained a shear strength of 34.34 MPa, which was 335.2% higher than that soldered with In-48Sn eutectic solder.
Key words:  Ni foam    In-48Sn solder    Al alloy joint    microstructure    mechanical property
出版日期:  2023-09-10      发布日期:  2023-09-05
ZTFLH:  TG425  
基金资助: JCJQ计划项目(2020-JCJQ-JJ-088);装备预研领域基金(80922020602)
通讯作者:  *肖勇,博士、副教授、博士研究生导师,2014年于哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)取得博士学位,谢菲尔德大学资助研究员(Sir SY Chung Fellowship)。主要研究方向为新型钎焊材料、新材料特种连接技术、电子装联技术等。近年来承担国家自然科学基金、装备预研领域基金、JPPT、企事业单位委托课题等项目20余项,相关成果获广东省科技进步二等奖。近年来在Carbon、Ultrasonics Sonochemistry、Materials Science and Engineering A、《材料导报》等期刊发表学术论文40余篇;授权发明专利10余项(已转化2项)。   
作者简介:  陈该青,2005年7月于哈尔滨工业大学获得工学学士学位。现为中国电子科技集团公司第三十八研究所高级工程师。目前主要研究领域为电子装联材料与工艺。
陈该青, 刘凯, 徐幸, 吴瑛, 肖勇. 泡沫Ni/In-48Sn复合焊料钎焊Al合金接头显微结构及力学性能研究[J]. 材料导报, 2023, 37(17): 22100141-6.
CHEN Gaiqing, LIU Kai, XU Xing, WU Ying, XIAO Yong. Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Al Alloy Joint Soldered with Ni Foam/In-48Sn Composite Solder. Materials Reports, 2023, 37(17): 22100141-6.
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