Comprehensive Performance Evaluation and Modification Mechanism of Various Wet Rubber Modified Asphalt
YAO Zhen1, ZHANG Lingbo2, LIANG Pengfei1, WANG Shifeng3, YAN Chuanqi4,5,*
1 Shandong Road and Bridge Group Co., Ltd., Jinan 250022, China 2 Sichuan Highway Planning, Survey, Design and Research Institute Co.,Ltd., Chengdu 611130, China 3 School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China 4 School of Civil Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China 5 Highway Engineering Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province, Chengdu 610031, China
Abstract: This work aimed to comprehensively evaluate the high-temperature anti rutting, medium-temperature anti fatigue, low-temperature anti cracking and flow-construction performances of these three kinds of rubber modified asphalts, conventional crumb rubber modified asphalt (CRMA), Terminal Blend rubber asphalt (TBRA) and desulfurized rubber asphalt (DRA), and discussed their modification mechanism from the perspective of chemical functional groups and rheological properties. Using rutting factor, zero-shear viscosity and irrecoverable compliance, the high-tempe-rature performance of asphalts was evaluated from the perspectives of viscosity and elasticity; the time sweep test and linear amplitude sweep test were conducted to evaluate the fatigue resistance of asphalts at medium temperature; the low-temperature bending rheometer test and 135 ℃ Brookfield viscosity test were used to evaluate the low-temperature crack resistance and construction workability of asphalts; finally, based on the modulus-temperature sweep test, Arrhenius model fitting and infrared spectroscopy test, the modification mechanism of different rubber asphalts was studied from the perspective of rheology and chemistry. The results show that the rubber molecules in CRMA have the most obvious agglo-meration, which translates to the best elasticity and mechanical properties, but also the largest viscosity. CRMA exhibits an obvious rubbery platform and non-Newtonian fluid behavior at high temperatures. The rubber particles in TBRA have the highest degradation rate, the rubber molecules are completely miscible with the asphalt molecules, and thus the viscosity is close to that of the base asphalt. The degree of degradation of the DRA is between the two, and the modification effect is more balanced. DRA is a promising means of recycling solid waste of waste tires.
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