Characterization of Air Voids in Cold Recycled Mixtures with Emulsified Asphalt Under Freeze-Thaw Cycles
YANG Yanhai1, WANG Hanbin1, YANG Ye1,2,*
1 School of Transportation Engineering, Shenyang Jianzhu University, Shenyang 110168, China 2 College of Transportation Engineering, Dalian Maritime University, Dalian 116026, Liaoning, China
Abstract: In order to explore the change law of void characteristics of emulsified asphalt cold recycled mixtures under freeze-thaw and reveal the evolution behavior of voids in the mixture, based on industrial CT and digital image processing technology, the air voids, void volume (Volume3d), equivalent diameter (EqDiameter), shape factor (Shape-3d) and other parameters were studied on dry and vacuum saturated specimens of emulsified asphalt cold recycled mixtures subjected to 0, 10, 20 freeze-thaw cycles. The results show that the air voids of dry and vacuum saturated specimens increases, and the increase range of air voids of water saturated specimens is significantly higher than that of dry specimens after freeze-thaw cycle. The volume and quantity of voids in dry specimens increase with the increase of the number of freeze-thaw cycles, indicating that the dry specimens are mainly characterized by the generation of new voids and void expansion, and voids connection is less under freeze-thaw cycles. The number of small and medium voids in vacuum saturated specimens first increases and then decreases with the increase of the number of freeze-thaw cycles, while the average volume of voids and the number of large voids only increase with the increase of the number of freeze-thaw cycles, indicating that the voids of vacuum saturated specimens are mainly characterized by the gene-ration of new voids, voids expansion and voids connection under freeze-thaw cycles. The shape factors of voids change slightly, indicating that the regional shape of voids remains basically unchanged under freeze-thaw cycle. The freeze-thaw cycle changes the internal voids of emulsified asphalt cold recycled mixtures, and the frost heaving force produced by water phase change significantly changes the voids, resulting in the aggravation of mixture damage.
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YANG Yanhai, WANG Hanbin, YANG Ye. Characterization of Air Voids in Cold Recycled Mixtures with Emulsified Asphalt Under Freeze-Thaw Cycles. Materials Reports, 2022, 36(16): 21110128-7.
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