Rejuvenation Effect Evaluation of Heavy Bio-oil on Aging 50# Asphalt
FAN Shiping1, ZHU Hongzhou1,2, ZHONG Weiming3
1 School of Civil Engineering, Chongqing Jiaotong University, Chongqing 400074, China 2 National & Local Joint Engineering Laboratory of Transportation and Civil Engineering Materials, Chongqing 400074, China 3 Hunan Communications Research Institute Co., Ltd., Changsha 410015, China
Abstract: This work investigated the rejuvenating effect of heavy bio-oil on an aged 50# asphalt binder. Herein, the 50# asphalt binder was aged by using the rotary film oven test (RTFOT); subsequently, the heavy bio-oil was mixed into the aged asphalt binder, and the heavy bio-oil rejuvenated asphalt was prepared by using a high-speed shear machine. Finally, through physical property tests and dynamic shear rheology (DSR) tests, the rheological and fatigue properties of all asphalt binders were analyzed. Consequently, by using the results of the aforementioned tests, the rejuvenation effect of heavy bio-oil on the properties of aged asphalt binders was discussed. In addition, the thermal stability of heavy bio-oil was studied though thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and the differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) test. The results demonstrated that the mass loss of the heavy bio-oil was only 0.35% in the temperature interval of 25—200 ℃, which indicated a good thermal stability. The heavy bio-oil improved the penetration and ductility, and reduced the softening point of aged asphalt. With the increase in heavy bio-oil content, the rutting factor and fatigue factor of rejuvenated asphalt binders decreased, while the phase angle and complex modulus index increased, which indicated that the asphalt viscosity characteristics, temperature sensitivity and fatigue durability were enhanced with the high-temperature rutting resistance weakened. Furthermore, as the loading frequency was decreased, the asphalt viscosity characteristics were enhanced, and the rutting resistance was weakened. The asphalt is more prone to irreversible permanent deformation and rutting damage under low-speed traffic loading. According to the results obtained in this work, it is recommended that the amount of heavy bio-oil admixture should not exceed 6%.
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