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材料导报  2022, Vol. 36 Issue (17): 21050278-8
  高分子与聚合物基复合材料 |
胡艳丽, 白宇含, 张毅*, 张昊, 朱若英, 卢雪
天津工业大学纺织科学与工程学院,天津 300387
Synthesis of Reactive Cationic Antibacterial Agent and Its Long-term Antibacterial Finishing of Wool Fabric
HU Yanli, BAI Yuhan, ZHANG Yi*, ZHANG Hao, ZHU Ruoying, LU Xue
School of Textile Science and Engineering, Tiangong University, Tianjin 300387, China
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摘要 以丙烯酸二甲氨基乙酯(DEMA)与溴代十四烷(TBr)为原料合成了一种反应型抗菌单体丙烯酰氧乙基二甲基十四烷基溴化铵DEMA-TBr,同时开发基于自由基接枝共聚的毛织物低温抗菌整理工艺。核磁共振(13C NMR)与红外光谱(FTIR)分析表明,目标产物具有反应性双键及长链季铵盐抗菌基团,可与兔毛纤维通过共价键合形成荷电支链,实现长效抗菌功能。抗菌实验结果表明,DEMA-TBr对大肠杆菌和金黄色葡萄球菌均有良好的抗菌作用,最小抑菌浓度(MIC)分别为0.04~0.05 mg/mL、0.03~0.04 mg/mL。采用红外光谱(FTIR)和扫描电镜(SEM)对处理后的织物进行了表征,以不同DEMA-TBr用量、整理温度及整理时间对兔毛织物抗菌性能和耐洗牢度的影响为基础,确定了最佳整理工艺。经DEMA-TBr低温整理的兔毛织物具有长效抗菌性,20次水洗后织物对细菌的抑菌率仍均为100%。抗菌整理后兔毛织物的力学性能未显著下降,断裂伸长与断裂强度保留率均高于90%。DEMA-TBr经证明是一种高活性的反应型抗菌剂,其低温整理工艺有望替代传统的高温焙烘整理方法,用于毛织物的长效抗菌整理。
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关键词:  聚合物  阳离子单体  反应型  自由基  抗菌整理剂    
Abstract: Areactive antibacterial monomer, acryloxyethyl dimethyltetracycline ammonium bromide(DEMA-TBr) was synthesized via dimethaminoethyl acrylate(DEMA) and tetracycline bromide(TBr). Subsequently, a low temperature antibacterial finishing process of wool fabric was developed via radical polymerization. The chemical structure of the monomer was analyzed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and its antibacterial activity was tested. The tests implied that DEMA-TBr had reactive bond and quaternary ammonium group, which exhibited the excellent antimicrobial activities against E. coli and S. aureus, with the minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) 0.04—0.05 mg/mL and 0.03—0.04 mg/mL, respectively. Meanwhile, the treated fabrics were characterized by FTIR and SEM. The optimal finishing process was determined based on the antibacterial rate of fabrics, as well as the antibacterial rate after 20 launderings, treated by different dosage of DEMA-TBr, finishing temperature and time. The results demonstrate that the fabric treated by DEMA-TBr has long-lasting antibacterial properties, and the antibacterial rate is still 100% after 20 laundering times. Besides, the mechanical properties of treated fabric have no decrease significantly, and the retention rate of breaking elongation and breaking strength are both higher than 90%. To sum up, DEMA-TBr has been proven to be a highly active antibacterial agent, and its low-temperature finishing process is expected to replace the traditional high-temperature baking finishing method for long-term antibacterial finishing of wool fabrics.
Key words:  polymer    cationic monomer    reactive    radical    antibacterial finishing agent
出版日期:  2022-09-10      发布日期:  2022-09-10
ZTFLH:  O631.3+2  
基金资助: 财政部和农业农村部:国家现代农业产业技术体系资助(CARS-43-E-2);天津市高等学校大学生创新创业训练计划项目(201810058049)
通讯作者:  *   
作者简介:  胡艳丽,天津工业大学教授级高工、硕士研究生导师。1995年7月于天津纺织工学院获纺织工程专业工学学士学位,2007年10月在天津工业大学获得纺织工程硕士学位。主要从事生物纺织与智能纺织等领域的产品开发和研究工作,主持完成国家发改委国家级企业技术中心、科技部火炬计划天津现代纺织特色产业基地、天津市阻燃纺织品企业重点实验室等项目建设,完成新产品研发153个,承担科研项目34项。申请发明专利28项,获得专利10项,发表论文7篇,出版著作2本。获得中国纺织工业协会科技进步三等奖3项。
胡艳丽, 白宇含, 张毅, 张昊, 朱若英, 卢雪. 反应型阳离子抗菌剂的合成及其对毛织物的长效抗菌整理[J]. 材料导报, 2022, 36(17): 21050278-8.
HU Yanli, BAI Yuhan, ZHANG Yi, ZHANG Hao, ZHU Ruoying, LU Xue. Synthesis of Reactive Cationic Antibacterial Agent and Its Long-term Antibacterial Finishing of Wool Fabric. Materials Reports, 2022, 36(17): 21050278-8.
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