Research Status of Numerical Simulation of Plasma Cladding Processes
ZHU Xuewei1, WANG Haidou2,3,*, LIU Ming3,*, PIAO Zhongyu1
1 School of Mechanical Engineering, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310023, China 2 National Engineering Research Center for Remanufacturing, Army Academy of Armored Forces, Beijing 100072, China 3 National Key Laboratory for Remanufacturing, Army Academy of Armored Forces, Beijing 100072, China
Abstract: In the field of surface engineering thermal spraying, plasma cladding is a promising technology that has the advantages of high heat input and low cost. In the research of plasma cladding, scholars usually use empirical induction to determine the best parameters. However, this process requires a large amount of experimental data to support and waste materials. If numerical simulation is used, phenomena that cannot be monitored by traditional observation methods in plasma cladding can be analyzed, and material loss during the experiment can be effectively saved. In recent years, researchers have studied numerical simulations of transfer arc stability, arc root adhesion, molten pool growth, and heat distribution during cladding layer accumulation based on a variety of different assumptions, and the results have been remarkable. These results provide theoretical support for the further optimization of the plasma cladding gun body design and the determination of process parameters. At present, in domestic and foreign research, the numerical simulation of plasma cladding is limited to the coupling distortion of complex physical fields and the simplification of electromagnetic field models. It cannot reflect the mechanism between the generation and release process of the transfer arc and the substrate coating. Therefore, it is necessary to further explore the coupling of multiphysics, optimize the numerical simulation method, and build an overall cladding simulation system. This article starts with a general introduction of the numerical simulation process of plasma cladding, followed by a summary that covers the simulation of energy distribution, flow field continuity, and electromagnetic characteristics in the plasma cladding jet, and the simulation of the molten pool and particle deposition during the formation of the cladding layer. Based on the summary, the paper also gives a discussion on the challenging problems and the research outlook of this topic, which is expected to provide a re-ference for the development of plasma cladding techniques with better performance.
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