Research Progress in the Application of Fly Ash Based Materials in Water Treatment
TAO Zhu1, LIANG Yanxia1, HUANG Guangfa2, JIANG Li1,*, REN Li1, JIN Lu1, WEI Guoying1
1 College of Materials and Chemistry, China Jiliang University, Hangzhou 310018, China 2 Zhejiang Tiandi Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd., Hangzhou 310000, China
Abstract: Fly ash is the solid waste of coal combustion in thermal power plants. It not only will pollute the soil, water and atmosphere, but also endanger human health with toxicants. It is a research hotspot in recent years to make full use of the characteristics of large specific surface area and high porosity of fly ash, apply it and modified products and derivative products to the water treatment industry, realize ‘waste treatment by waste', and give full play to the industrial utilization value of fly ash-based materials. The properties and composition of fly ash are analyzed. The methods, process, and mechanism of acid, alkali, salt, and combined modification of fly ash are expounded. The application of fly ash-based mesoporous molecular sieves, fly ash-based zeolite, fly ash-based photocatalytic materials, and other derivatives in wastewater treatment are presented. Finally, based on the current research progress at home and abroad, the problems and deficiencies in the existing research are poin-ted out. The future development trend of fly ash in the field of water treatment. The results can provide a theoretical basis and technical support for the industrial application of fly ash-based materials in the water treatment industry.
陶铸, 梁燕霞, 黄光法, 江莉, 任骊, 金路, 卫国英. 粉煤灰基材料在水处理方面的应用研究进展[J]. 材料导报, 2023, 37(S1): 23010002-8.
TAO Zhu, LIANG Yanxia, HUANG Guangfa, JIANG Li, REN Li, JIN Lu, WEI Guoying. Research Progress in the Application of Fly Ash Based Materials in Water Treatment. Materials Reports, 2023, 37(S1): 23010002-8.
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