Hot Deformation Behavior and Hot Processing Map of Hot-formed 22MnB5 Ultra-high Strength Steel for Automobile Body
TANG Qian1, GUO Pengcheng1,2,*, LUO Hong1, MA Honghao1, ZHANG Liqiang1, LI Luoxing2
1 College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha 410004, China 2 State Key Laboratory of Advanced Design and Manufacture for Vehicle Body, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, China
Abstract: To determine the hot forming processes of 22MnB5 boron steel, hot tensile tests were carried out at temperatures of 773—1 223 K and strain rates of 0.01—10 s-1 using Gleeble-1500D thermal simulation machine. The results show that the studied steel shows strong positive strain rate sensitivity, and its peak stress decreases with the increase of deformation temperature. Except for that deformed at 0.01 s-1 and 773 K, the flow stress increases gradually with the increase of applied strain, and then tends to be stable when it reaches the peak stress. The mechanical constitutive equation of the studied steel is established based on the Arrhenius hyperbolic sine function model, and the activation energy Q of thermal deformation at peak stress is determined (26.54—53.77 kJ/mol). The Q first increases followed by decrease with the increase of applied strain rate, and decreases followed by increase with the increase of deformation temperature. The hot working map of the studied boron steel with peak stress is constructed based on the dynamic material model, and the hot forming microstructure is closely related to deformation temperature and strain rate. Based on the above analysis, the hot working process of the studied boron steel is confirmed: forming temperature 988—1 058 K, strain rate 0.01—0.1 s-1; forming temperature 1 143—1 223 K, strain rate 0.01—0.02 s-1.
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