Process Optimization of Selective Laser Melted Fe-10Cu Alloy
LIANG Meng1, LI Zhenhua2, LIU Meihong1,*, LUO Xinlei1, XIE Jingwei2
1 School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650500, China 2 School of Materials Science and Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650500, China
Abstract: In order to optimize process parameters of selective laser melted of Fe-10Cu alloy, density, hardness and microstructure of fabricated samples were investigated based on the calculation of single track temperature field and analysis of melt pool size by ANSYS APDL under different conditions. The results show that the highest relative density and hardness, which are 99.8% and 38.3HRC, were achieved at a laser power of 345.6 W and a scanning speed of 1 000 mm/s for the selective laser melted of Fe-10Cu alloy, under the condition of powder layer thickness of 40 μm and a scanning spacing of 100 μm. The solidification microstructure of the selective laser melted Fe-10Cu alloy displays a single α-Fe phase. The main reason for enhanced hardness of Fe-10Cu alloy is copper supersaturation in α-Fe due to rapid solidification during the selective laser melted process.
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