Abstract: As a new type of surface modification technology, laser cladding technology has been widely used in various fields. The morphology of the cladding layer is directly related to the quality and laser process parameters. In this paper, the Taguchi method was used to design an orthogonal experiment with 25 groups of three factors and five levels for obtain apt process parameters. Taking laser power, scanning speed and powder feeding rate as input parameters, with width of cladding layer, height of cladding layer and dilution rate as output parameters (response target), contour graphs and surface graphs were used to intuitively reflect the relationship between input parameters and output parameters; signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and analysis of variance (ANVOA) were used to further analyze the relationship between input and output parameters. Then combined with the gray theory, the three response targets were transformed into a single gray correlation grade (GRG) for analysis, and the optimal combination of laser process parameters was obtained as follows: laser power 1 000 W, scanning speed 3 mm/s, powder feeding rate 1.4 r/min. Finally, the three response targets were found to be uniformly improved on verification tests. The cladding layer formed with this parameter has more significant advantages in terms of morphology and microstructure than that formed under other parameters, and the reliability of Taguchi grey correlation method is verified.
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