Abstract: As the lightest structural metallic materials, magnesium alloys have exhibited great application potential and bright development prospect in aerospace, military, and new energy automobile industries due to the low density, rich resources, high specific strength and stiffness, high damping capacity, good thermal conductivity and electrical conductivity, easy recovery, and so on. However, the low absolute strength of magnesium alloys, especially low strength at high temperatures and poor heat resistance, greatly restrict their further applications as some key components. Therefore, the development of novel high-strength, high-toughness, and heat-resistant magnesium alloys has become one of the serious issues at present. When Gd or Y rare earth elements and Zn element are simultaneously added into magnesium alloys, a novel long period stacking ordered (LPSO) phase could be formed. Owing to the existence of LPSO phase, the mechanical properties of magnesium alloys are remarkably promoted with ultimate tensile strength exceeding 500 MPa, and the heat resistances are also improved, with higher tensile strength at elevated temperatures and better creep resistance than conventional WE54 commercial magnesium alloys. Recently, researchers have conducted extensive researches on the heat resistance of LPSO strengthened Mg-RE alloys, and have gained some important results. These researches mainly focus on two aspects. One is to study the thermostability of LPSO structures, i.e. the transformation and evolution mechanisms of various LPSO structures at high temperatures. The other one is to investigate the high temperature mechanical properties (tensile, compression and creep resistance) of Mg-RE-Zn alloys and develop the new generation high strength and heat-resistant magnesium alloys. With the aid of advanced high-resolution electron microscopes, the atomic structures and formation mechanism of 18R and 14H LPSO phases have been systematically investigated. According to the alloy compositions and processed states, 14H LPSO phase could be formed at high temperatures in two ways, precipitated from α-Mg matrix directly or transformed from 18R phase. By high-temperature tensile/compression tests and microstructure characterizations, the interactions between LPSO phases, dislocations, twins and grain boundaries are expounded, as well as the strengthening mechanism of LPSO phase. The creep researches in recent years further confirm the great potential of LPSO phases on enhancing the creep resistance of Mg-RE-Zn alloys. The morphologies and strengthening effects of various LPSO phases, and their interactions with variety of precipitates, impact the creep resistance of magnesium alloys significantly. Nevertheless, the creep controlling mechanisms of these alloys and the role of LPSO phase during creep remain unclear by now. In this article, the transformation mechanism of LPSO phase and microstructure evolutions of magnesium alloys at high temperature are reviewed. The influence of structure, morphology and distribution of LPSO phases on high temperature mechanical properties of magnesium alloys is discussed. Finally, the problems and development prospects of LPSO-strengthening heat resistant magnesium alloys are prospected.
作者简介: 王策,2017年毕业于河海大学,获得工学学士学位。现为河海大学力学与材料学院硕士研究生,在马爱斌教授和刘欢讲师的指导下进行研究。目前主要研究领域为耐热镁合金。马爱斌,河海大学力学与材料学院,教授、博士研究生导师。1985年获得南京工学院(现东南大学)学士学位,1997获得日本爱知工业大学工学博士学位。国家“火炬计划”专家、国家留学基金评审专家、国家科学技术奖励评审专家、江苏省战略性新兴产业专家、江苏省科技成果转化专项评审专家等多省科技项目和科技奖励评审专家。长期从事材料制备、材料组织细化、微观组织与性能关系等方面的研究工作。在 Acta Materialia、 Scripta Materialia等国内外核心期刊公开发表学术论文200余篇,其中SCI收录百余篇。aibin-ma@hhu.edu.com
王策, 马爱斌, 刘欢, 黄河, 孙甲鹏, 杨振权, 江静华. LPSO相增强镁稀土合金耐热性能研究进展[J]. 材料导报, 2019, 33(19): 3298-3305.
WANG Ce, MA Aibin, LIU Huan, HUANG He, SUN Jiapeng, YANG Zhenquan, JIANG Jinghua. Research Progress on Heat Resistance of Magnesium-Rare Earth Alloys Reinforcedby Long Period Stacking Ordered Phase. Materials Reports, 2019, 33(19): 3298-3305.
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