Effect of Alloying Element Ni on Thermal Stability of NbCr2/Nb Alloy
DENG Liping1,2, LU Shiqiang1,3, LIN Yan2
1 College of Material Science and Technology, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 210016; 2 School of Materials Science and Engineering, Nanchang Hongkong University, Nanchang 330063; 3 School of Aeronautical Manufacturing Engineering, Nanchang Hongkong University, Nanchang 330063
Abstract: The (NbCr2/Nb)-Ni alloy was prepared by mechanical alloying and hot pressing. The effect of alloying element Ni on thermal stability of the NbCr2/Nb alloy was studied by the change of the microstructure and properties of the (NbCr2/Nb)-Ni alloy thermally exposed at 1 200 ℃ for 100 h. The results show that alloying element Ni exists in Laves phase NbCr2 and it has no apparent phase transformation during the thermal exposure process. The addition of alloying element Ni causes the decrease of the Vickers hardness, the yield strength and the increase of the plastic strain of the NbCr2/Nb alloy because alloying element Ni can relax the structure of Laves phase by replacing the part position of Cr atoms. During the thermal exposure process, the change of the pro-perties of the NbCr2/Nb alloy with alloying element Ni, such as Vickers hardness, compressive strength and plastic strain, is significantly smaller than those of the NbCr2/Nb alloy without alloying element Ni.It can be seen that alloying element Ni can improve the thermal stability of the NbCr2/Nb alloy.
邓莉萍, 鲁世强, 林彦. 合金元素Ni对NbCr2/Nb合金热稳定性的影响[J]. 《材料导报》期刊社, 2018, 32(14): 2442-2447.
DENG Liping, LU Shiqiang, LIN Yan. Effect of Alloying Element Ni on Thermal Stability of NbCr2/Nb Alloy. Materials Reports, 2018, 32(14): 2442-2447.
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