Abstract: Titanium and titanium alloys which hold the advantages of high specific strength, favorable corrosion resistance and low-temperature performance, high thermal strength, etc., have become a kind of critical structural materials in aerospace industry, and moreover, have displayed considerable application potential for aeroengine heat-enduring parts owing to superior high-temperature performance compared with aluminum alloys and magnesium alloys. In 1954, the United States developed the first practical high-temperature titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V which possesses a long-term use temperature range of 300—350 ℃ and a pleasurable comprehensive performance, and acquired extensive and long-lasting application. With the continuous progress of the aerospace industry, especially the advent of aeroengines, other countries successively developed some higher-working-temperature titanium alloys, among which IMI834, as the world’s first 600 ℃ high temperature titanium alloy, was created in 1984 by the United Kingdom. The typical feature of IMI834 is the addition of 0.06% C into the existing Ti-Al-Sn-Zr-Mo-Si titanium alloy system, expanding the processing window and optimizing the microstructure. After that, the United States obtained a high temperature titanium alloy Ti1100 in 1988, by adjusting the amount of some alloying elements in the original high-temperature titanium alloy Ti-6542S. In 1992, Russia also established its high temperature titanium alloy BT36 by substituting 5% W (a high-melting-point element) for 1% Nb within BT18Y. China’s research of high-temperature titanium alloy started relatively late, initially imitated foreign alloys, and later specia-lized in utilizing rare earth elements to design high-temperature titanium alloys. The Ti60 and Ti600 alloys, developed by IMR (CAS)/BaoTi Group and NIN respectively, both have the working temperature of 600 ℃ and favorable comprehensive performance. In general, the upper temperature limit of high-temperature titanium is difficult to exceed 600 ℃ at present. Sufficient studies have proved that the nearly ineliminable mismatch between thermal strength and thermal stability and the steep-oxidation-resistance-decay-induced severe surface oxidation at above 600 ℃ will result in the deterioration of thermal stability and fatigue properties, and even, the risk of “titanium fire” for those components serving in the high-pressure compressor section of an aeroengine.
This review is concerned with the worldwide development status of 600 ℃ and above high-temperature titanium alloys. We give introductions for the 600 ℃ high-temperature titanium alloys including Ti1100 (US), IMI834 (UK), BT36 (Russia), and Ti60/TG6/Ti600 (China), as well as the 600 ℃-above ones including Ti65/Ti750 (China). The major nations’ design schemes of high-temperature titanium alloys and the obstacles to raising the upper temperature limit are outlined, and some possible solutions are put forward. The paper ends with a prospective discussion over the future trends of high-temperature titanium alloys, from the perspectives of controlling the size, morphology and content of α2 phase and adjusting the hot working process.
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