Abstract: Al-1.0Mg aluminum alloy was processed by high pressure torsion (HPT) and annealed at 195 ℃. The thermal stability of the alloy was investigated by microhardness tests, X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis and transmission electron microscope (TEM). The results indicated that the hardness of HPT Al-1.0Mg alloy decreased by 21.6%,27.2% and 34.4% after annealing for 10 min,30 min and 90 min compared to the HPT Al-1.0Mg alloy without annealing. With the extension of annealing duration, the macroscopic stress gradually eliminated, the lattice distortion in the matrix gradually decreased, and the grain size of the alloy after annealing treatment increased steadily, while the speed of hardness reduction slowed down. The hardness of HPT Al-1.0Mg alloy after annealing at 195 ℃ for 90 min still remained as high as 82HV, which is over two times of that of the undeformed alloy.
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