Equivalent Conversion Coefficient of Aluminum/Titanium Alloy Between Acidic NaCl Solution with Different Concentration and Water Based on Galvanic Corrosion Simulation
BIAN Guixue, CHEN Yueliang, ZHANG Yong, WANG Andong, WANG Zhefu
Abstract: Polarization curves and current of galvanic corrosion of 2A12 aluminum alloy and TA15 titanium alloy in solution with different NaCl concentrations and pH value were measured by electrochemical test. Conversion coefficient of galvanic corrosion between TA15/2A12 in different concentrations and pH of NaCl solution and aqueous was investigated. A galvanic corrosion simulation model was established by polarization curves of boundary condition in different concentrations NaCl solution with different pH. The galvanic corrosion current of two materials for corrosion simulation model was compared with the electrochemical test. The results showed that the self-corrosion potential of aluminum alloy was mainly affec-ted by the NaCl concentration, but it was less affected by the pH values which had a significant effect on the self-corrosion current. The simulation results agree with the electrochemical test results. Besides, the conversion factors between galvanic corrosion of 2A12-T4 aluminum alloy and TA15 titanium alloy in different NaCl concentrations and pH values solutions and self-corrosion in water medium were obtained by simulation.
卞贵学, 陈跃良, 张勇, 王安东, 王哲夫. 基于电偶腐蚀仿真的铝/钛合金在不同浓度酸性NaCl溶液中与水介质中的当量折算系数[J]. 材料导报, 2019, 33(16): 2746-2752.
BIAN Guixue, CHEN Yueliang, ZHANG Yong, WANG Andong, WANG Zhefu. Equivalent Conversion Coefficient of Aluminum/Titanium Alloy Between Acidic NaCl Solution with Different Concentration and Water Based on Galvanic Corrosion Simulation. Materials Reports, 2019, 33(16): 2746-2752.
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