First Principles Study on Mg-Al Intermetallic Compounds
ZHENG Bo1,2, ZHAO Li1,2, DONG Shijie1,2 , HU Xinbin1,2
1 School of Materials and Chemical Engineering, Hubei University of Technology, Wuhan 430068; 2 Hubei Provincial Key Laboratory of Green Materials for Light Industry, Wuhan 430068
Abstract: Planar wave pseudopotential method based on the first principle of density functional theory was employed to calculate the heats of formation, binding energy, electronic structures, thermodynamic properties, elastic properties and melting point of Mg17Al12 and Mg23Al30 phases.It could be found from the calculated results that Mg17Al12 phase showed smaller binding energy and heats of formation than Mg23Al30, indicating the easy generation and stability of Mg23Al30. The calculation results of electronic structures revealed that the stable structure of Mg23Al30 phase was derived from the strong bonding cooperation. Furthermore, it could be concluded that Mg23Al30 belonged to plastic phase and Mg17Al12 belonged to brittle phase according to elastic constant calculation results.The calculation of thermodynamic properties illustrated that Mg23Al30 possessed the smallest Gibbs free energyand a relatively stable thermal structure in the temperature range above room temperature. In addition, both Mg23Al30 and Mg17Al12 were predicted to be low melting point alloys by empirical formula.
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