1 Department of Mechanical and Control Engineering, Shengli College, China University of Petroleum, Dongying 257061; 2 College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, China University of Petroleum, Qingdao 266580
Abstract: High liquid corrosivity has long became the obstacle to the application of Al alloys as phase-change energy-storage materials. It has been common knowledge that the composition of energy storage material is one of the important factors that affect its liquid corrosivity. Thereby, in this work, a corrosion test scheme of 304 stainless steel in liquid Al-xSi-10Cu (6≤x≤15) alloys was conducted, so as to investigate the effect of Si element content on liquid corrosivity. We characterized the morphology, element distribution and phase composition of the corrosion products by means of electron probe and XRD, and also carried out kinetic and thermodynamic analyses for the corrosion reaction. The results showed that with the increase of Si content, both the corrosion layer thickness and the growth coefficient of corrosion products exhibit biphasic (decrease→increase) change, while the diffusion activation energy of corrosion products displays an opposite variation, and all of them reach the minimum or maximum value at the Si content of 9%. When the Si content is in the range of 6%~9%, a short-duration corrosion leads to a corrosion layer mainly composed of Al95Fe4Cr phase and Fe2Al5 phase, the vacancies of the latter of which can be filled by Si atoms so that the corrosive elements diffusion can be attenuated. But a long-duration corrosion leads to a corrosion layer mainly composed of Al95Fe4Cr phase, FexSiyAlz phase and FeAl phase. The FexSiyAlz phase grows quite slowly and can prevent element diffusion. Moreover, the formation enthalpy of FeAl phase is larger than that of Fe2Al5 phase, so the corrosion thickness can be reduced. When the Si content ranges in 9% to 15%, the specific reason for the corrosion thickness increment with the addition Si element remains unclear and further study is needed.
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