Fabrication of ZnO Nano-rods/Porous Zn Foam and Its Compressive and Antibacterial Properties
ZHAO Lichen, XIE Yu, ZHANG Zhe, WANG Tiebao, WANG Xin, CUI Chunxiang
Key Laboratory for New Type of Functional Materials of Hebei Province, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin 300130
Abstract: Taking the commercial as-cast pure zinc ingot and NaCl particles as raw materials, porous Zn foam with the apparent density of 2.86 g/cm3 and porosity of 60% was fabricated by air pressure infiltration method(APIM). Scanning electron microscopy(SEM) observation illustrated that the interconnected pores were uniformly distributed in the porous Zn foam. After the porous Zn foam was treated in 200 g/L NaCl solution at 80 ℃ for 2 h, dense ZnO nano-rods were in-situ generated on the pore walls of the porous Zn foam, thus a ZnO nano-rods/porous Zn foam was obtained. The results of compressive tests indicated that there was no obvious drop in the mechanical properties of the ZnO nano-rods/porous Zn foam compared with the porous Zn foam. The results of antibacterial tests suggest that the ZnO nano-rods/porous Zn foam exhibited an excellent antibacterial activity.
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