Abstract: With the increasing requirements for energy saving and environmental protection, the development and application of environmentally friendly structural materials have attracted enormous attention. Thanks to their low environmental pollution and high recycling efficiency. Magnesium alloys have become the most promising commercial lightweight materials in the 21st century, with widespread application in aerospace, computer, communications and other industrial fields. Unfortunately, many problems have also been exposed duringthe application of magnesium alloys. Suffering from the active chemical nature of magnesium, magnesium alloys are highly susceptible to corrosion in the service environment. For example, pitting corrosion, galvanic corrosion, and intergranular corrosion are likely to occur in magnesium alloys in humid atmospheres, marine atmospheres, and sulfur-containing atmospheres, leading to the whole or partial failure of structural parts of the magnesium alloy. Particularly, stress corrosion cracking of magnesium alloys may take place under the combined effects of corrosion and external force, resulting in brittle fracture of structural components. In recent years, there is a continuous increase in structural failure cases caused by stress corrosion cracking of magnesium alloys, which bring about huge economic losses. Therefore, great efforts have been put in the research work on stress corrosion cracking of magnesium alloys, focusing on their mechanism, influencing factors, and protective technologies.According to relevant studies by scholars at home and abroad, the stress corrosion cracking mechanism of magnesium alloyscan be generally explained by two major theories, namely, anodic dissolution and hydrogen embrittlement. Specifically, slipping dissolution theory and localized plasticization of hydrogen are recognized as the main viewpoints of the above mentioned two theories, respectively. However, owing to the diversity of magnesium alloy materials, service environment, and the complexity of mechanical and electrochemical corrosion behaviors, the existing theoretical mechanisms lack universal applicability and direct experimental verification. Consequently, further systematic research is urgently needed. The stress corrosion resistance of magnesium alloys is affected by multiple factors such as the service environments, the processing parameters, and the alloy elements in the magnesium alloy. Therefore, according to the stress corrosion mechanism, and taking the influencing factors into consideration, stress corrosion cracking sensitivity of the magnesium alloy can be effectively reduce by reasonable addition of alloying elements to develop new magnesium alloy, surface laser shock modification or surface coating, heat treatment, modification treatment of magnesium alloy. Especially, the addition of rare earth elements like erbium and cerium contri-bute to optimizing the microstructure of the magnesium alloy and forming new rare earth phases, which exert favorable effect on reducing the stress corrosion cracking susceptibility. In this article, the research progress of stress corrosion cracking of magnesium alloys is systematically summarized, and the stress corrosion cracking mechanism, influencing factors, and protective measures of magnesium alloys are discussed. The relevant research results at home and abroad in the past ten years are emphatically introduced. Meanwhile, future research directions and urgent issues in the field of stress corrosion cracking of magnesium alloys are also proposed.
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