Abstract: Asphalt concrete is one of the most common road construction materials. Asphalt pavement is widely used in high-grade highways in China due to its advantages of driving comfort, low noise and wear resistance. Under the repeated action of vehicle load and ambient temperature, asphalt pavement is prone to fatigue damage. If it is not detected in time, accumulated fatigue damage will result in cracks, which reduces pavement service life and endangers driving safety. Meanwhile, it has been found that asphalt concrete is capable of self-healing in terms of strength and cracks under certain conditions. This self-healing ability is likely to derived from asphalt binder. Aiming at prolonging the service life of asphalt pavement and reduce the maintenance cost during operation, great efforts have been put in the study on self-healing characteristic of asphalt materials in recent years. Taking the combined indoor laboratory test and physical phase technology as research methods, the self-healing evaluation index of asphalt fatigue damage based on mechanics and energy is proposed, the impacts of chemical composition, modifier, external environment and loading method of asphalt are studied, and attempts have been made to explain the process of fatigue damage healing of asphalt by means of macroscopic and microscopic theoretical perspectives. Presently, the applicability of the evaluation method and evaluation index of fatigue damage healing of asphalt has not yet been demonstrated and needs to be further explored. Based on the above problems, further researches on the self-healing behavior of fatigue damage in asphalt have been carried out. Results show that macro-micro mechanics, molecular diffusion and other theories can explain the fatigue damage recovery behavior and micro-interface healing behavior of asphalt to some extent. Taking shearing, fracture test, phase technology of asphalt as research methods, the self-healing behavior of asphalt can be evaluated from different angles by employing the mechanical and energy indicators. Meanwhile, fatigue damage behavior equation and molecular dynamics simulation have been applied to simulate the healing process of asphalt. Combining the theoretical equations with molecular-scale simulation, the macroscopic and microscopic self-healing behavior of asphalt can be numerically characterized. These research results would contribute to the study of its evolution mechanism and characteristic description. Referring to the domestic and foreign research results, we review the progress in the self-healing behavior of fatigue-damage of asphalt bin-ders, including asphalt self-healing theory, evaluation methods and indexes, influencing factors, numerical simulation, as well as point out its future research direction.
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