Research Progress on microstructure and Properties of 7xxx Series Aluminum Alloys for Oil Drill Pipes
WANG Yichang1, CAO Lingfei1,2, WU Xiaodong1, ZOU Yan1, HUANG Guangjie1
1 International Joint Laboratory for Light Alloys (ministry of Education), College of materials Science and Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044 2 Electronic microscope Center of Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044
Abstract: Nowadays, the applications of aluminum alloys in oil drilling industries have gradually attracted the attention of scholars at home and abroad due to their low density, high strength and acid gas corrosion resistance,etc. Aluminum alloy oil drill pipes have been adopted in drilling field for decades in a few developed countries, such as America and Russia. However, domestic research on the start of aluminum alloy oil drill pipes was late, and they mainly rely on imports, which greatly limits the development of drilling industries in China. As a result, there are tremendous social and economic benefits to realize self-developed aluminum alloy drill pipes with super high strength and corrosion-resistant. Al-Zn-mg-Cu ultra-high strength aluminum alloys with high tensile strength, good corrosion resistance and high temperature impact toughness at high temperature belong to 7xxx series aluminum alloys, they have become the most potential materials for aluminum alloy drilling pipes. In addition, they are also the main research direction of high performance aluminum alloy drilling tools for our country in recent years. The main precipitation strengthening phases in 7xxx series aluminum alloy are distributed GP zones and η' phase. Asis known to all, the alloys' microstructures determine their performances. Therefore, the properties of the aluminum alloy materials can be controlled by changing the heat treatment processing and the composition. The heat treatment process of aluminum alloys mainly include homogenization, solid solution and ageing heat treatments. At present, homogenization tends to adopt a multi-stage heat treatment system, after heat treatment, not only more diffuse and fine precipitates are formed, but also the recrystallization behavior of the alloy will be suppressed. Subsequently, the alloys are treated via two-stage or multi-stage solid solution treatment, and the residual second phases can be effectively dissolved into the matrix, thus leading to the improvement of alloys' stability and comprehensive performance. As a more critical heat treatment step, ageing heat treatment transforms from traditional single-stage to multi-stage treatments as well. A new type of retrogression and re-ageing (RRA) treatment combines the advantages of both single and two-stage ageing. In other words, the alloy can obtain high corrosion resistance without sacrificing the strength after RRA treatment. Hence, exploring a suitable heat treatment system has a profound impact on the comprehensive performance of aluminum alloy materials for drill pipes. In addition,optimizing the alloy compositions is also a significant way to ameliorate the performance of aluminum alloys. It is found that the composition of the 7xxx series aluminum alloy used as oil drill pipes is generally controlled within the range of Al-6—6.5Zn-2.0—2.8mg-1.6—2.0Cu, and the superior comprehensive performance can be obtained. Besides, the introduction of new micro alloying elements, such as mn, Zr, Cr and some rare earth elements, can significantly refine the grain of the aluminum alloys and increase their recrystallization temperature, thereby improving their heat resistance and corrosion resistance, making them more to meet the service requirements for oil drill pipes in actual working conditions. Although the 7xxx series aluminum alloys have many performance advantages, they are prone to stress corrosion cracking due to the poor corrosion resistance in chlorine-rich atmosphere environment, and there is a certain risk of failure in service in the field of marine drilling field. What's more, 7xxx series aluminum alloys have poor erosion and wear resistance as well, and they are prone to wear during drilling, thereby shortening their service life. Future work should be focused on improving the high-temperature strength of aluminum alloy drill pipes from the aspects of composition design, material preparation and heat treatment process. meanwhile, mechanical properties, electrochemical properties and wear-resis-tant properties should be evaluated systematically and the optimization mechanism of these properties should be studied. In this paper,the current research status, mechanical properties and production process of aluminum oil drill pipes at home and abroad are reviewed. The progress of ageing precipitation sequence and microalloying research of 7xxx series aluminum alloys for drill pipes were generalized systematically. moreover, the effects of heat treatments including solid solution and ageing on the mechanical properties of 7xxx series aluminum alloys are expounded in detail, and the corrosion resistance and wear behavior of aluminum oil drill pipes are analyzed as well. Based on these, some current problems and further development directions on 7xxx series aluminum alloys used for China's oil drill pipes are prospected.
作者简介: 王一唱,2016年6月毕业于重庆大学,获得工学学士学位。现为重庆大学材料科学与工程学院博士研究生,在曹玲飞研究员的指导下进行研究。目前主要从事石油钻杆用7xxx系铝合金组织与性能的研究。曹玲飞,重庆大学材料学院研究员。于1999年、2002年、2006年在中南大学材料学院材料物理与化学专业先后获得本科、硕士和博士学位。博士毕业后先后担任日本东京大学工学部日本学术振兴会(JSPS)博士后 , 澳大利亚monash大学轻合金研究中心研究员。2014年起为重庆大学材料学院中心实验室“百人计划”研究员。研究领域为材料显微组织与性能的关系,目前共发表SCI论文60余篇,包括Acta materialia, materials Science and Engineering A, Applied Physics Letters等杂志。
王一唱, 曹玲飞, 吴晓东, 邹衍, 黄光杰. 石油钻杆用7xxx系铝合金微观组织和性能的研究进展[J]. 材料导报, 2019, 33(7): 1190-1197.
WANG Yichang, CAO Lingfei, WU Xiaodong, ZOU Yan, HUANG Guangjie. Research Progress on microstructure and Properties of 7xxx Series Aluminum Alloys for Oil Drill Pipes. Materials Reports, 2019, 33(7): 1190-1197.
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