Abstract: Cyclic wet-dry immersion corrosion test of self-piercing riveted specimens in 5052 aluminum alloy was carried out with 0.6 mol/L NaCl solution and 0.02 mol/L NaHSO3 solution as corrosion solution. Based on corrosion kinetics, statics test and energy dispersive X-ray, the static properties and failure mechanism of joints were analyzed under two corrosive environments. The results show that the corrosion rate decreases with the prolongation of the corrosion period in two corrosive environments, and the corrosive environment has no significant effect on the failure mode of the joint. The acidic environment is unfavorable to the weight loss of the specimen and the static strength of the joint, and has less in-fluence on the impact resistance of the joint. The corrosion products are alumina and aluminum sulfate. The saline environment reduces the impact resistance of joint, and static strength of joint is improved in short-term corrosion environment. Corrosion products are aluminum oxides and chlorides.
靳文豪, 邢保英, 何晓聪, 曾凯, 余康. 不同腐蚀环境下铝合金自冲铆接头静力学性能研究[J]. 材料导报, 2019, 33(16): 2725-2728.
JIN Wenhao, XING Baoying, HE Xiaocong, ZENG Kai, YU Kang. Study on Static Properties of Self-piercing Riveted Joints in Aluminum Alloy Under Different Corrosive Environments. Materials Reports, 2019, 33(16): 2725-2728.
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