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材料导报  2024, Vol. 38 Issue (10): 23010111-6
  金属与金属基复合材料 |
15-15Ti ODS奥氏体钢晶粒组织与纳米粒子的透射电镜表征
龚翱翔1, 徐驰2, 安瞻1, 佟振峰1,*
1 华北电力大学核科学与工程学院,北京 102206
2 北京师范大学核科学与技术学院,射线束技术教育部重点实验室,北京 100875
Transmission Electron Microscopy Characterization of Grain Structure and Nanoparticles of 15-15Ti ODS Austenitic Steel
GONG Aoxiang1, XU Chi2, AN Zhan1, TONG Zhenfeng1,*
1 School of Nuclear Science and Engineering, North China Electric Power University, Beijing 102206, China
2 Key Laboratory of Beam Technology of the Ministry of Education, School of Nuclear Science and Technology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
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摘要 15-15Ti奥氏体不锈钢由于其优异的耐腐蚀性能和高温力学性能成为钠冷快堆包壳的候选材料,其高温力学性能和抗辐照肿胀能力可以通过氧化物弥散强化(ODS)进行增强。本工作对通过机械合金化以及锻造工艺制备的15-15Ti ODS奥氏体钢和作为参比材料的15-15Ti奥氏体钢的微观结构进行研究,对ODS钢中氧化物颗粒的分布以及强化机制有了较为深入的认识。研究发现氧化物弥散粒子分布总体均匀但有成团聚集倾向。Y-Zr-O粒子的平均粒径为(9.97±0.04) nm,平均粒距为(17.25±0.68) nm,数密度约为4.49×1022 m-3。在透射电镜明场像下观察到ODS样品中氧化物颗粒对位错的钉扎作用。扫描透射(STEM)结合能谱分析显示ODS样品中有两种氧化物,分别为占比较少的Al2O3以及占比较多的Y4Zr3O12。高分辨电镜表征发现第二相粒子与基体之间出现共格或半共格界面的迹象,并且少数粒子周围出现非晶化界面。
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关键词:  15-15Ti  奥氏体钢  微观结构  氧化弥散强化颗粒  透射电子显微镜    
Abstract: Due to their excellent corrosion resistance and high temperature mechanical properties, the 15-15Ti austenitic stainless steels have been selected as a candidate cladding material for the sodium-cooled fast reactor. Its high-temperature mechanical strength and resistance to irradiation swelling can be enhanced by oxide dispersion strengthening (ODS). In this study, 15-15Ti ODS austenitic steel was manufactured by mechanical alloying and forging processes. The 15-15Ti steel manufactured following the same procedures without additions of ODS particles was chosen as the control sample material. The microstructure of the sample was characterized by multiple transmission electron microscopy (TEM) techniques. The dispersion characteristics and strengthening mechanism of oxide particles in the ODS austenitic stainless steel were comprehensively investigated. The special distribution of the oxide dispersion particles was generally uniform, however, a clustering tendency was also identified. The average size of the particles was estimated to be (9.97±0.04) nm, the average distances between the particles was (17.25±0.68) nm, and the number density was about 5.32×1022 m-3. The pinning effect of oxide particles on dislocations was observed in the ODS samples through TEM bright field imaging. Two oxides were revealed in the ODS sample by scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) combined with energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectroscopy, which consists a small proportion of Al2O3 particles and a large proportion of Y4Zr3O12 particles. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy characterizations reveal signs of a coherent or semi-coherent interface between the second-phase particle and the 15-15Ti matrix, and a few particles appear around amorphous interfaces.
Key words:  15-15Ti steel    austenitic steel    microstructure    oxide-dispersed strengthening particles    transmission electron microscopy
出版日期:  2024-05-25      发布日期:  2024-05-28
ZTFLH:  TL341  
基金资助: 国家自然科学基金(U1967212);国防科技工业抗辐照应用技术创新中心创新基金项目(KFZC2020020601)
通讯作者:  *佟振峰,华北电力大学核科学与工程学院教授、博士研究生导师。西安交通大学本科、硕士,中国原子能科学研究院博士。2007—2008年瑞士保罗谢尔研究所访问学者;2003—2020年中国原子能科学研究院研究员、反应堆材料方向学术带头人;2020年至今,华北电力大学核科学与工程学院教授、博士研究生导师、核材料研究团队负责人。主要从事新型核材料开发、材料辐照损伤表征与评价、反应堆关键部件材料应用性能与老化评估、材料辐照损伤计算模拟与机器学习等方向的研究。发表学术论文30余篇,获得国家发明专利10余项。   
作者简介:  龚翱翔,2021年7月毕业于华北电力大学,获得工学学士学位。现为华北电力大学核科学与工程学院硕士研究生,在佟振峰教授的指导下进行研究。目前主要研究领域为氧化弥散强化合金的辐照损伤。
龚翱翔, 徐驰, 安瞻, 佟振峰. 15-15Ti ODS奥氏体钢晶粒组织与纳米粒子的透射电镜表征[J]. 材料导报, 2024, 38(10): 23010111-6.
GONG Aoxiang, XU Chi, AN Zhan, TONG Zhenfeng. Transmission Electron Microscopy Characterization of Grain Structure and Nanoparticles of 15-15Ti ODS Austenitic Steel. Materials Reports, 2024, 38(10): 23010111-6.
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