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材料导报  2023, Vol. 37 Issue (23): 22050281-8
  金属与金属基复合材料 |
佟帅, 艾立群, 洪陆阔*, 周美洁, 袁艺旁
华北理工大学冶金与能源学院,河北 唐山 063210
Development Status and Application Prospects of China's Hydrogen Metallurgy Under the 30·60 Target
TONG Shuai, AI Liqun, HONG Lukuo*, ZHOU Meijie, YUAN Yipang
Metallurgy and Energy College, North China University of Science and Technology,Tangshan 063210, Hebei, China
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摘要 钢铁是高消耗、高排放产业。随着国家提倡的碳达峰、碳中和的任务提上日程,高碳排放的钢铁行业发展低碳经济迫在眉睫,当前氢冶金技术受到高度重视,并且作为冶金领域发展的重要方向。本文主要综述了在碳达峰、碳中和大背景下国内外氢冶金技术的发展现状以及在氢冶金背景下中国钢铁业的发展趋势;以冶金过程热力学和动力学理论研究为基础,对比分析了H2(CO)还原铁氧化物的优缺点,明确H2的还原优势;同时探讨了当前氢冶金发展的技术瓶颈,并对未来氢冶金技术的发展进行展望,为氢冶金技术发展提供理论依据。
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关键词:  碳达峰  碳中和  氢冶金  热力学  动力学    
Abstract: Steelmaking is a high-consumption and high-emission industry. With the task of peak carbon dioxide emissions and carbon neutrality advocated by the state being put on the agenda, it is urgent to develop a low-carbon economy in the steel industry with high carbon emissions. At present, hydrogen metallurgy technology is highly valued, and it is an important development direction in metallurgy field. This paper mainly summarizes the development status of hydrogen metallurgy technology at home and abroad under the background of peak carbon dioxide emissions and carbon neutrality, and the development trend of China steel industry under the background of hydrogen metallurgy. Based on the theoretical study of thermodynamics and kinetics of metallurgical process, the advantages and disadvantages of reducing iron oxide by H2(CO) are compared and analyzed, and the reduction advantages of H2 are defined. At the same time, the technical bottleneck of current hydrogen metallurgy development is discussed, and the future development of hydrogen metallurgy technology is prospected, which provides theoretical basis for the development of hydrogen metallurgy technology.
Key words:  carbon peak    carbon neutrality    hydrogen metallurgy    thermodynamics    kinetics
出版日期:  2023-12-10      发布日期:  2023-12-08
ZTFLH:  TF556  
基金资助: 河北省自然科学基金(E2021209101);河北省高等学校科学研究重点项目(ZD2022125)
通讯作者:  * 洪陆阔,2018年6月毕业于钢铁研究总院钢铁冶金专业,获得博士学位。同年加入华北理工大学冶金与能源学院工作至今,主要从事钢铁冶金理论与工艺研究,重点研究方向为钢铁冶金新方法、新技术、新工艺,成分梯度钢材的生产与制备,微波在钢铁冶金中的应用,钢铁冶金过程中碳、硫、磷、氧、氮、氢元素行为及调控的理论研究与工艺开发。主持河北省自然科学基金2项、河北省教改项目1项、河北省教育厅科研项目2项、唐山人才项目1项,发表SCI论文10余篇,授权专利5项。   
作者简介:  佟帅,2022年1月毕业于华北理工大学冶金专业,获得硕士学位。2022年9月攻读华北理工大学冶金工程博士研究生,主要从事炼钢/铁新技术、品种钢开发和炉渣资源综合利用研究。
佟帅, 艾立群, 洪陆阔, 周美洁, 袁艺旁. 30·60目标下中国氢冶金发展现状及应用前景[J]. 材料导报, 2023, 37(23): 22050281-8.
TONG Shuai, AI Liqun, HONG Lukuo, ZHOU Meijie, YUAN Yipang. Development Status and Application Prospects of China's Hydrogen Metallurgy Under the 30·60 Target. Materials Reports, 2023, 37(23): 22050281-8.
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