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材料导报  2023, Vol. 37 Issue (11): 22010127-11
  高分子与聚合物基复合材料 |
苏宇1, 翁凌1,2, 王小明1, 关丽珠1, 张笑瑞1,2
1 哈尔滨理工大学材料科学与化学工程学院,哈尔滨 150080
2 哈尔滨理工大学工程电介质及其应用教育部重点实验室,哈尔滨 150040
Preparation and Dielectric Energy Storage Properties of Core Shell Structure SiCNWs@SiO2/PVDF Composites
SU Yu1, WENG Ling1,2, WANG Xiaoming1, GUAN Lizhu1, ZHANG Xiaorui1,2
1 School of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering, Harbin University of Science and Technology, Harbin 150080, China
2 Key Laboratory of Engineering Dielectric and Its Application, Ministry of Education, Harbin University of Science and Technology, Harbin 150040, China
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摘要 为了加速新能源电子器件向微型化和集成化的方向发展,提高电子器件内部介电复合材料的性能至为重要,介电复合材料的介电性能和储能性能直接影响电子器件的质量,如何提高介电复合材料的介电性能和储能性能等引起了研究者们的广泛关注。
实验结果表明,硅烷偶联剂KH550成功改性SiCNWs;通过一步法热氧化工艺成功制备出具有典型核壳结构的SiCNWs@SiO2纳米线,SiO2壳层的厚度随着SiCNWs热氧化时间的延长而增大,当SiCNWs热氧化时间为10 h,SiO2壳层的厚度为6.5 nm;采用相转换法和热压处理成功制备一系列的SiCNWs/PVDF二元复合材料和SiCNWs@SiO2/PVDF复合材料,SiCNWs和SiCNWs@SiO2与PVDF基体成功复合;当SiCNWs掺杂量较大时,SiCNWs/PVDF二元复合材料出现明显的团聚现象,核壳结构SiCNWs@SiO2纳米线的引入,有效地提升纳米填料在聚合物基体中的分散性。
对比纯PVDF,SiCNWs的引入大幅度提高了复合材料的介电常数,但其介电损耗和电导率较大。将核壳结构SiCNWs@SiO2纳米线嵌入PVDF基体中,使复合材料在保持高介电常数的同时不同程度地降低了介电损耗和电导率,同时复合材料的击穿强度也有较大的提升。25%(质量分数)SiCNWs@SiO2/PVDF(10 h)复合材料在极限电场强度下获得的最大放电能量密度分别为0.111 J/cm3,获得的放电效率分别为53.06%,有效提升了复合材料的储能性能。
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关键词:  聚偏氟乙烯  碳化硅纳米线  核壳结构  介电性能  储能密度    
Abstract: In order to accelerate the development of new energy electronic devices towards miniaturization and integration, it is very important to improve the properties of dielectric composites in electronic devices. The dielectric properties and energy storage properties of dielectric composites directly affect the quality of electronic devices. How to improve the dielectric properties and energy storage properties of dielectric composites has attracted extensive attention of researchers. Based on polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF), silicon carbide nanowires (SiCNWs), core-shell silicon carbide nanowires@silica (SiCNWs@SiO2) as filler, a series of SiCNWs/PVDF binary composites and SiCNWs@SiO2/PVDF composites were prepared by solution blending phase conversion method and hot pressing process. The effects of surface modification, core-shell structure on the microstructure, and the corresponding macro dielectric properties and energy storage properties of PVDF matrix composites were investigated. The experimental results show that: SiCNWs were modified by silane coupling agents KH550,typical core-shell structures were prepared by one-step thermal oxidation process SiCNWs@SiO2 nanowires, the thickness of SiO2 shell increases with the extension of thermal oxidation time, when the thermal oxidation time is 10 h, the thickness of SiO2 shell is 6.5 nm; PVDF matrix composites were synthetized by phase conversion method, and all nano fillers were blended with PVDF matrix; With the doping amount of SiCNWs increasing, the SiCNWs/PVDF binary composite appears obvious agglomeration. The addition of SiCNWs@SiO2 can greatly improved the dispersion of fillers in polymer matrix. Compared with pure PVDF, the introduction of SiCNWs greatly enhances the dielectric constant of the composites. However, its dielectric loss and conductivity are still large. The core-shell structure can effectively reduce the dielectric loss and conductivity while maintaining high dielectric constant, and significantly improve the breakdown strength of the composites. The energy storage density of pure PVDF and series SiCNWs/PVDF binary composites is low, when the doping amount of nano filler is 25wt%, the introduction of core shell structure SiCNWs@SiO2 nanowires with thermal oxidation time of 10 h, 25wt%SiCNWs@SiO2/PVDF(10 h) composite under ultimate electric field strength, the maximum discharge energy densities obtained are 0.111 J/cm3, the discharge efficiencies are 53.06%, which effectively improves the energy storage performance of the composite.
Key words:  PVDF    silicon carbide nanowires    core-shell structure    dielectric properties    energy storage density
出版日期:  2023-06-10      发布日期:  2023-06-19
ZTFLH:  TB332  
基金资助: 国家自然科学基金(51677045);哈尔滨理工大学“理工英才”优秀青年基金(2019-KYYWF-0206)
通讯作者:  翁凌,通信作者,哈尔滨理工大学材料科学与化学工程学院副院长、教授、博士研究生导师。中国电工学会绝缘材料与绝缘技术委员会委员。主持及参与国家自然科学基金面上项目、黑龙江省自然科学基金重点及面上项目、国家科技支撑计划项目(子课题)、广东省产学研合作研究项目等10余项,在国内外学术期刊和会义发表论文50余篇,SCI收录30余篇,参编专著1部。担任Compos.Sci.Technol.、RSC Advances等10余种SCI期刊审稿专家,国家自然科学基金评审专家,中国复合材料学会高级会员。   
作者简介:  苏宇,2019年7月毕业于哈尔滨理工大学材料科学与工程学院,获得工学学士学位。现为哈尔滨理工大学材料科学与化学工程学院硕士研究生,在翁凌教授的指导下进行研究。目前主要研究领域为聚合物基介电功能复合材料。
苏宇, 翁凌, 王小明, 关丽珠, 张笑瑞. 核壳结构SiCNWs@SiO2/PVDF复合材料的制备与介电储能特性[J]. 材料导报, 2023, 37(11): 22010127-11.
SU Yu, WENG Ling, WANG Xiaoming, GUAN Lizhu, ZHANG Xiaorui. Preparation and Dielectric Energy Storage Properties of Core Shell Structure SiCNWs@SiO2/PVDF Composites. Materials Reports, 2023, 37(11): 22010127-11.
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