Evolution and Formation Mechanism of Defect in SLM-Built Inconel 738 Alloy
MA Yutian1, XU Jiayu2,3, GAO Yubi2,3, LIU Bo2,3, HU Yong2,3, DING Yutian2,3,*, CHEN Dalin1, CHEN Hanfeng1
1 State Key Laboratory of Nickel and Cobalt Resources Comprehensive Utilization, Jinchuan Group Co., Ltd., Jinchang 737100, Gansu, China 2 State Key Laboratory of Advanced and Recycling of Nonferrous Metals, Lanzhou University of Technology, Lanzhou 730050, China 3 School of Materials Science and Engineering, Lanzhou University of Technology, Lanzhou 730050, China
Abstract: The evolution experiments of single-track, multi-tracks and multi-layers experiments were carried out on Inconel 738 alloy fabricated by selective laser melting (SLM) under different parameters, in order to further investigate the formation mechanism of crack defects. The results show that the formation of porosity will induce the formation of cracks when the laser energy density E is too high or too low. Both solidification cracks and liquation cracks occur in Inconel 738 alloy formed by SLM, and liquation cracks are dominated. At the end of solidification, the crystals rapidly grow to form a dendrite framework. At this time, the deformation of the dendrite framework can well develop, but the residual liquid phase between the crystals is hard to flow, and the tiny gap generating under the action of thermal tensile stress will not be filled in time, leading to solidification cracks. The formation of liquation crack is mainly due to the segregation of B element at grain boundaries, which leads to the formation of γ + γ′ phase with low melting point at grain boundaries. Under cyclic heat, liquid film is formed leading to the reduction of tensile strength at grain boundaries, which is pulled apart by thermal tensile stress to form liquation cracks.
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