Research Progress on Stability of Perovskite Solar Cells and Industrialization Trend of Modules
JIN Shengli1,2, SHOU Chunhui1,2,*, HUANG Mianji1,2, HE Haiyan1,2, LI Cong3
1 Key Laboratory of Solar Energy Utilization & Energy Saving Technology of Zhejiang Province,Hangzhou 311121,China 2 Zhejiang Energy R & D Institute Co., Ltd.,Hangzhou 311121,China 3 School of Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology, Xidian University, Xi'an 710126, China
Abstract: Organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite materials have been widely used in the area of photovoltaic, display devices and sensors because of their excellent photoelectric properties. In recent years, the key technology of perovskite solar cells (PSCs) has developed rapidly, and there are many breakthroughs that have been made in photoelectric conversion efficiency and devices area. However, the stability of perovskite mate-rials and devices has not been fundamentally solved, which seriously restricts the practical performance and commercialization of perovskite photovoltaic devices. The instability of PSCs derived from the perovskite active layer, the charge transport materials and the electrode materials. The causes mainly include environmental factors such as light, water, temperature and oxygen. Therefore, it is crucial to understand the mechanism of each factor on the stability of PSCs. In addition, compared with crystalline silicon solar cells and other thin-film solar cells, PSCs have great differences in material properties and device structures. At present, the stability evaluation methods and testing methods of crystalline silicon cells and other thin film cells are not fully applicable to PSCs. A standard stability tests procedure is required in order to compare the stability test results of perovskite cells between the various institutions. In this paper, the factors affecting the stability of perovskite materials and photovoltaic devices are firstly summarized. Then the mechanism of environmental factors such as light, moisture, temperature and oxygen on the stability of perovskite devices are analyzed, and the methods to improve the stability of PSCs are summarized. Finally, the stability evaluation and testing methods, as well as the future development direction of PSCs are analyzed and forecasted, which provide a new idea for the commercial application of PSCs.
金胜利, 寿春晖, 黄绵吉, 贺海晏, 李聪. 钙钛矿太阳能电池稳定性研究进展及模组产业化趋势[J]. 材料导报, 2023, 37(5): 21030201-13.
JIN Shengli, SHOU Chunhui, HUANG Mianji, HE Haiyan, LI Cong. Research Progress on Stability of Perovskite Solar Cells and Industrialization Trend of Modules. Materials Reports, 2023, 37(5): 21030201-13.
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