Accelerated Test Device and Method for Critical Chloride Content of Steel Depassivation in Cement-based Materials
YU Bo1,2,3, HUANG Junming1, LU Jinma1, YANG Lufeng1,2,3,*
1 School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Guangxi University, Nanning 530004, China 2 Key Laboratory of Engineering Disaster Prevention and Structural Safety of Ministry of Education, Nanning 530004, China 3 Guangxi Key Laboratory of Disaster Prevention and Engineering Safety, Nanning 530004, China
Abstract: Anew accelerated test device for critical chloride content of steel depassivation in cement-based materials was developed based on chloride migration system and electrochemical test system. Variations of open-circuit potential, polarization resistance and corrosion current density during steel depassivation process in concrete and mortar were tested. Meanwhile, the quantitative discriminant criterion of steel despassivation was proposed. Moreover, the critical chloride contents of steel despassivation in concrete and mortar were tested. Analysis results show that the invented test device and test method for critical chloride content can not only accelerate the chloride transport process in cement-based materials by electromigration to shorten the test time, but also quantitatively determine whether steel despassivation occurs of end test face, avoiding the test error caused by the traditional test method,which qualitatively judges whether the steel despassivation occurs of surrounding test face according to the specific values or variations of corrosion electrochemical parameters.
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