Current Research and Challenges in Innovative Technology of Joining DissimilarMaterials for Electric Vehicles
LI Hong1, LIU Xusheng1, ZHANG Yisheng2, JACEK Senkara3, LI Guangying4, MA Mingtu5
1 College of Materials Science & Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124 2 College of Materials Science & Engineering, Huazhong University of Technology, Wuhan 430074 3 Department of Welding Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology, 02-524,Warsaw, Poland 4 Central Iron & Steel Research Institute, Beijing 100081 5 China Automotive Engineering Research Institute, Chongqing 401122
Abstract: The emerging trend towards lightweight, high performance and emissions reduction is leading to the increasing use of multi-material hybrid structures in electric vehicles. Advanced high-strength steel (AHSS), lightweight alloy, such as aluminum, titanium and magnesium, as well as plastics and carbon fiber reinforced polymers (CFRP) etc. are being used extensively in the manufacture of body in white, automotive panels and complex structural parts. Due to different physical and chemical properties of base materials, it becomes a challenging task to join dissimilar materials. For joining of aluminum alloy to CFRP, fusion welding often produces defects such as softening, porosity, hot cracks in the heat affected zone of aluminum alloy. Moreover, it causes the CFRP fibers and matrix to partially burn. Mechanical fastening can also cause inevitable corrosion and other problems. At the same time, battery pack housing, which is composed by multi-materials, has a high requirement for the joining technology. Accordingly, the use of optimized composite materials urgently need the development of innovative joining technology with reliable performance, low cost, and high efficiency in order to provide light-weight body structure for new energy vehicles. Adhesive is widely used in aluminum alloy/AHSS, aluminum alloy/CFRP, AHSS/CFRP etc., which can achieve sealing, fastening and anti-corrosion effects. As a newly developed mechanical joining technology, self-piercing riveting (SPR) is more suitable for joining aluminium alloy, AHSS and CFRP than fusion welding. There have been mature studies on its joining mechanism and joint strength overseas. Additionally, solid phase welding is especially suitable for joining metal/composite. The novel technology and equipment of refill friction stir spot welding (RFSSW) and ultrasonic spot welding for joining aluminium alloy/CFRP and AHSS/CFRP have been explored and improved in many studies. Laser hybrid welding and cold metal transfer welding (CMT) are mainly used in the joining of aluminium alloy and AHSS in the majority of automotive enterprises. Fasteners are mainly used for the joining of battery pack, while laser welding of particular materials is used for housing sealing. The paper reviews the advanced and alternative joining methods for CFRP to aluminum/steel, aluminum to steel and battery pack manufactu-ring, ranging from conventional adhesive bonding, weld-bonding and self-piercing riveting to new welding technologies, such as friction stir spot welding, ultrasonic spot welding, laser braze-welding and cold metal transfer welding. The effects of joining parameters on joint properties and fai-lure modes are discussed. The difficulties and research status of fatigue life prediction based on finite element analysis are discussed. These joining technologies have prominent advantages in the joining of hybrid material structure of new energy electric vehicles, but they still face the problems of matrix damage, interface failure, long welding cycle, expensive equipment and industrial automation etc., therefore further research is required to completely exploit these methods in practical applications.
李红, 刘旭升, 张宜生, JacekSenkara, 李光瀛, 马鸣图. 新能源电动汽车异种材料连接技术的挑战、趋势和进展[J]. 材料导报, 2019, 33(23): 3853-3861.
LI Hong, LIU Xusheng, ZHANG Yisheng, JACEK Senkara, LI Guangying, MA Mingtu. Current Research and Challenges in Innovative Technology of Joining DissimilarMaterials for Electric Vehicles. Materials Reports, 2019, 33(23): 3853-3861.
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