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材料导报  2023, Vol. 37 Issue (24): 22080209-6
  无机非金属及其复合材料 |
房辰泽1,2, 郭乃胜1, 蒋继望2,3, 冷真2,*, 李辉2,3, 陆国阳2, 王昊鹏4
1 大连海事大学交通运输工程学院,辽宁 大连 116026
2 香港理工大学土木及环境工程学系,香港 九龙 999077
3 东南大学交通学院,南京 21009
4 诺丁汉大学诺丁汉交通工程中心,英国 诺丁汉 NG7 2RD
Effects of Loading Sequence on Fatigue Damage Accumulation of Asphalt Mixture
FANG Chenze1,2, GUO Naisheng1, JIANG Jiwang2,3, LENG Zhen2,*, LI Hui2,3, LU Guoyang2, WANG Haopeng4
1 Department of Transportation Engineering, Dalian Maritime University, Dalian 116026, Liaoning, China
2 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Kowloon 999077, Hong Kong, China
3 Department of Transportation, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China
4 Nottingham Transportation Engineering Centre, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD, UK
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摘要 沥青混合料在变幅加载下的疲劳损伤累积过程具有明显的非线性特征,然而传统的线性损伤累积准则无法表征不同加载次序下的非线性疲劳损伤累积(NLFDA)。为研究加载次序对沥青混合料疲劳损伤累积的影响,首先开展恒幅加载疲劳试验,分析恒幅加载下的疲劳损伤累积规律;其次借助变幅加载疲劳试验,分析变幅加载下的疲劳损伤累积规律;最后建立考虑加载次序的NLFDA模型,分析加载次序对沥青混合料疲劳损伤累积的影响。结果表明:恒幅加载下沥青混合料疲劳损伤发生非线性演化,但服从线性损伤累积准则,且累积寿命分数为1;变幅加载会导致疲劳损伤发生非线性演化,且服从非线性损伤累积准则,低-高和高-低加载次序的累积寿命分数分别大于1和小于1;建立的NLFDA模型可较为准确地表征沥青混合料疲劳损伤对加载次序的依赖性。
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关键词:  道路工程  疲劳损伤累积  加载次序  沥青混合料    
Abstract: The accumulation process of fatigue damage of asphalt mixture under variable amplitude loading exhibits an obvious nonlinear characteristic. However, the traditional linear damage accumulation criterion fails to characterize the nonlinear fatigue damage accumulation (NLFDA) under different loading sequences. This study aims to investigate the effects of loading sequence on the fatigue damage accumulation of asphalt mixture. First, the fatigue tests with constant amplitude loading were carried out to investigate the fatigue damage accumulation under constant amplitude loading. Then, the SCB fatigue tests with variable amplitude loading were conducted to analyze the fatigue damage accumulation under variable amplitude loading. Finally, the NLFDA model considering the loading sequence was established to analyze the effects of loading sequence on the fatigue damage accumulation of asphalt mixture. It was found that the fatigue damage of asphalt mixture under constant amplitude loading evolved nonlinearly, however, it obeyed linear damage accumulation criterion and the cumulative life fractions are equal to one. The variable amplitude loading can lead to that the fatigue damage evolves nonlinearly and obeys nonlinear damage accumulation criterion, and the cumulative life fractions of the loading sequences of low-high and high-low are greater than one and less than one, respectively. The established NLFDA model can effectively characterize the dependence of the fatigue damage of asphalt mixture on the loading sequence.
Key words:  road engineering    fatigue damage accumulation    loading sequence    asphalt mixture
发布日期:  2023-12-19
ZTFLH:  U414  
基金资助: 国家自然科学基金(52108421;51308084)
通讯作者:  *冷真,香港理工大学土木及环境工程学系终身副教授、博师研究生导师,道路研究所所长,碳中和资源工程研究中心副总监。先后在东南大学取得本科及硕士学位、在美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校取得博士学位。主要研究方向包括:可持续与智慧铺面材料与技术,及交通基础设施无损检测。已发表SCI期刊论文100余篇。现任美国土木工程师学会大中华分会会长、国际铺面科学与工程学会副主席、国际华人基础设施工作者协会理事、世界交通运输大会沥青路面学科主席、香港交通研究学会理事、及香港公路学会理事;任期刊Journal of Cleaner Materials创刊主编,Journal of Cleaner Production(中科院一区期刊)执行主编,ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering和 Journal of Transportation Engineering,Part B:Pavements副主编,及其他多个SCI期刊编委。   
作者简介:  房辰泽,博士研究生,自2019年9月在大连海事大学和香港理工大学攻读博士学位,在郭乃胜教授和冷真教授的指导下进行道路工程领域研究。目前主要研究方向:多尺度下沥青混合料非线性疲劳损伤力学表征,以及路面结构性能预测等研究。截至2023年12月,发表学术论文33篇,其中,以第一作者/导师第一、本人第二作者发表论文15篇(SCI 6篇,EI 5篇),并获辽宁省优秀硕士毕业论文,授权发明专利2项。
房辰泽, 郭乃胜, 蒋继望, 冷真, 李辉, 陆国阳, 王昊鹏. 加载次序对沥青混合料疲劳损伤累积的影响[J]. 材料导报, 2023, 37(24): 22080209-6.
FANG Chenze, GUO Naisheng, JIANG Jiwang, LENG Zhen, LI Hui, LU Guoyang, WANG Haopeng. Effects of Loading Sequence on Fatigue Damage Accumulation of Asphalt Mixture. Materials Reports, 2023, 37(24): 22080209-6.
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